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RE: My new project to help new players: Creating tournaments!

in Splinterlands3 years ago

LMAFO what's there to see? She creates a tourament it doesn't limit who she can let in. players with 4000 rating points can join.

They will be using the 'same cards' doesn't mean they are 'NOVICE'

The whole game is setup to farm people doing exactly what she's doing. She is donating to top players period. Nothing built into the game that stops them from joining. Have fun giving your 50000 DEC to player with 1,000,000 collection value decks.


4000 rating points? really? hmmm lets see in a few days ;)

I like your mindset to protect the little guys, but you're pretty sure that you have everything figured out. If you should be wrong here, then you might want to realize that things do change.

ps... there are things that are definitely built in the game that stops them from joining, but you'll see soon enough if you pay attention! ;)