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RE: Frenology Skull (10 photo)

in Antiques & Vintage4 years ago

Yea, I definitely need that beer to do that haha!

Thank you, my friend, I am really curious about this and I can't wait for my non-hivers friend reactions on this, the coming weekend 😁


I can't wait for my non-hivers friend reactions on this, the coming weekend

mmm?.. I didnt understand this part, er... sorry... do you mean, you told your other friends about this in your different blog?.. well, thats ok.

I'm sorry about that ..

We friends used to gather every weekend together and used to discuss various topics on world, economy, movies and history and unique topics. I'm sure they will find this very unique and different and will be amazed as I was 😁

I call them non hivers because they only believe in fiat and crypto is a myth to them so does hive. They aslo think I'm a fool to spend hours in hive but they actually know little. Neverthless, I have stopped convincing people. They will be in facebook/Instagram for hours but if some one suggests them crypto blogging site, it aches them. What to do 😊

they only believe in fiat and crypto is a myth to them so does hive.

o! hehe. well, life will tell. they are not completely wrong, I should say... (not in this part: 'spending hours in FB / insta' ))))
they do have reasons for that!

I should say... (not in this part: 'spending hours in FB / insta' ))))
they do have reasons for that!

Are you indicating that FB/Insta are going to implement the blockchain theory 😀

well, FB tried to do that already. havent you heard about the Libra token? their take on it.

Yea, Libra I have heard and Insta can be on the way too as they both are from the same root. I almost forgot as the buzz of libra has slowed down a bit recently.

Well, if that happens then surely there will be some drama to watch I suppose :D