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RE: Frenology Skull (10 photo)

in Antiques & Vintage4 years ago

at least its worth reading and educating, right?
I would not take one to place and keep at home even for free, haha! and even if I was payed money for that.


Absolutely, it is 😊

😁 I wonder the price tag if someone needs to buy one.

i think a) price varies in a wide corridor depending on qualities and exclusivity of a certain copy (they love to name it 'a story', 'a history of a thing' etc)
and b) as its quite an exclusive stuff you will not be able to get at any other store I am more than sure the price is enough high! very hight... hundreds of pounds. 300, 500, 900 or more. but thats only my assumption!

Yes, I bet in our world, we have very few antique stores like this or maybe none.

Goodness me! 😀

ps. do you have a FB account?
i provided a link to this store FB page, and if you really curious you may message that guy directly and ask about the price labels, this surely will not oblige you to anything, but will feed your curiocity xD
have a little !BEER to boost your courage, my friend.

Yea, I definitely need that beer to do that haha!

Thank you, my friend, I am really curious about this and I can't wait for my non-hivers friend reactions on this, the coming weekend 😁

I can't wait for my non-hivers friend reactions on this, the coming weekend

mmm?.. I didnt understand this part, er... sorry... do you mean, you told your other friends about this in your different blog?.. well, thats ok.

I'm sorry about that ..

We friends used to gather every weekend together and used to discuss various topics on world, economy, movies and history and unique topics. I'm sure they will find this very unique and different and will be amazed as I was 😁

I call them non hivers because they only believe in fiat and crypto is a myth to them so does hive. They aslo think I'm a fool to spend hours in hive but they actually know little. Neverthless, I have stopped convincing people. They will be in facebook/Instagram for hours but if some one suggests them crypto blogging site, it aches them. What to do 😊

they only believe in fiat and crypto is a myth to them so does hive.

o! hehe. well, life will tell. they are not completely wrong, I should say... (not in this part: 'spending hours in FB / insta' ))))
they do have reasons for that!

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