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RE: Celebrating Photographer's Day in Argentina with These Captures [ENG/ESP]

in Visual Shots2 years ago

Happy photographer's day 🥳🤩
Such a wonderful captures you are sharing on this special day with us my friend @dimascastillo90 😊
You can almost see little characters being displayed in your photographs 😎
Have a wonderful Wednesday, have fun and enjoy this day 👋🏻☀️🐝


Thank you very much! I'm so glad you liked these pictures, I send you a big hug and I hope you're doing great 😊

You are welcome @dimascastillo90 😊 thanks for the hug and wish 🤗🤗
I’m doing great… tomorrow we fly on holidays ✈️ First time since the pandemic far away.
Can’t wait… it will be epic 🤩