Weekly Payouts To Delegators #90

in This Is Awesome4 years ago

Made in Desygner

Weekly Payouts To Delegators #90

In order to attract delegators to this project we reward them with weekly payouts in Hive and CTP tokens according to average weekly Hive Power delegation.

Delegators are rewarded with all liquid earnings in Hive, as well as our full weekly power down income, plus also 50% of our earnings in CTP tokens.

This Is The Payouts For This Weeks Delegations

You can read the full details of the calculations for the payout in this spreadsheet on Google Drive.

Screenshot from Google Drive


Delegate to this project using PeakD, login and open your wallet, you find it in the Hive Power section.

Delegation APR

This is a calculation of the delegation APR for this week, to make it easy to calculate, the delegation and payout for @flaxz is not part of the calculation, since he does not get a payout in CTP tokens.

Screenshot from Google Drive

You can view the full calculation in the same spreadsheet as the payouts.

Our Tokens

We also have tokens in Hive-engine, and our general policy regarding tokens is that we stake 50% of our token earnings, the other 50% is sold and we use that to buy CTP tokens, and we then pay out 50% of all our CTP tokens to our delegators and stake the other 50%, and our stake in CTP has now grown to 34798.

Final Thoughts

So this week @pjansen has increased his delegation to 1809 HP, thank you very much.

All leases of HP that we had from Dlease has now expired and 2 accounts have decided to stay as delegators, @shawkr13 and @themonetaryfew.

APR for this week landed on 13.66%, which is lower than last week, earnings of Hive was very slightly higher, while earnings of CTP tokens was much lower, though the price of CTP tokens was a bit higher.

The last week we have focused on working on our autovoting for better timing with the curation trails that we are following, and much work has been done to make those trails vote on optimal time, the result of that will be seen next week.

Next week we will go one step further with vote timing and use rewarding.app to follow all curation trails since right now we are using hive.vote, with this change we will have even more control on the timing of the votes, plus we can even add tags to follow in a curation trail, though we do need to figure out some way to do fixed voting with this tool.

We will also work on adding multipliers to token voting, which will increase our token earnings quite a bit, and also something we need to do with some urgency since token earnings have not been given any focus yet.

We continue to work towards our goal of growing the Hive ecosytem by rewarding Awesome Content, and a big thanks to all our delegators for your awesome support, these where all thoughts for this week, and ...

Stay Awesome!

This Is Awesome

Join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/SthJJDZ


thanks erik (@flaxz)

Thank you for your awesome support.


Thank you for your engagement on this post, you have recieved ENGAGE tokens.

Thanks for the rewards and your awesome service you deliver every day. 👍😀

Cheers, @pjansen You Successfully Shared 0.100 WINE With @thisisawesome.
You Earned 0.100 WINE As Curation Reward.
You Utilized 3/3 Successful Calls.


WINE Current Market Price : 1.100 HIVE

Thank you very much for your awesome support @pjansen.


Cheers, @thisisawesome You Successfully Shared 0.100 WINE With @pjansen.
You Earned 0.100 WINE As Curation Reward.
You Utilized 1/3 Successful Calls.


WINE Current Market Price : 0.000 HIVE

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Thank you.

You're welcome @thisisawesome 😉👍


Thank you @thisisawesome, for using the CO2 Compensation Coin (COCO / SWAP.COCO) on Steem-Engine or on Hive-Engine to reduce your CO2 footprint. You want to join? Buy some COCO / SWAP.COCO and transfer them to CO2Fund's account @co2fund.

Thank you.
