Watercolor painting: natural beauty | belleza natural

in Nerday3 years ago



Hello everyone, I hope you are great !!, Butterflies are insects that I like a lot, since I was a child I adored seeing them pose from flower to flower in my mother's garden, nowadays as an adult, I am still fascinated by them and when I see them I enjoy contemplate them as when I was little. I like their colors and the nuances of their wings, seeing them fly is beautiful.

Hola a todos, espero esten genial!!, las mariposas son insectos que me gustan mucho, desde niña adoraba verlas posar de flor en flor en el jardín de mi madre, hoy en día siendo adulta, sigo fascinada por ellas y cuando las veo disfruto contemplarlas como cuando era pequeña. Me gustan sus colores y los matices de sus alas, verlas volar es bellísimo.

Process Shots | Imágenes del Proceso




Watercolor on paper

Viviana Villafañe

Let's connect on Instagram

I hope you like it, thanks. | Espero que les guste, gracias.
