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RE: #needlework :: Feeling the blues

in NeedleWorkMonday4 years ago

Thank you @crosheille for your uplifting words! <3
It did a little and I pushed myself to do a little more.
It is quite hard sometimes when the mood just doesn't want to come, isn't it? We need to find other things to do, to distract and regroup with our mood.
I love them too! But it is quite challenging to get the middle part really flat to have the snap button to work snappily. I have had instances whereby the snap button got stuck because the center was not flattened enough. But my hands were already pressing it like crazy!


Yes it is definitely hard. I’ve been in that move for quite some time now. I think when other things in life hit you and your focused is so occupied on other things it tends to happen that way - at least that’s the case for me right now.

I’ve worked with snap buttons one time and they are some particular little fellers lol! Glad you were able to make it work though.