Morning walk in the woods.

in Amazing Nature3 months ago

For a challenge, I went out with my camera, the one I have trouble with the autofocus.
I got some interesting, if mundane pics of trees and my cat, but also rounding the front I got some nice pics of new flowers





I tried to get some very close up shots of the violets that grow wild in my back lawn



So moving around, I abandoned pure nature in favor of tamed nature




My beautiful Miss Margaret Amaryllis are blooming right now.


Then of course, "His Majesty Crown Prince Tommy of Assholia" was in attendance




What's that smell?





Jerry's road crop.jpg



This post was curated by the Visual Shots Team
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Thank you

You were really able to take some quality shots in the wood. It actually looks like the wood was wet


"So moving around, I abandoned pure nature in favor of tamed nature"

Love this little phrase... I wouldn't call your photos *mundane; after all... this isn't a Harry Potter movie!


All the flower photos were gorgeous... the trees, with their towering trunks. Gave a combination of majesty (no... not your cat ha) mixed with a somewhat ominous vibe. What I find cool, is that you don't have to drive a long way to get this kind of scenery and walk. Hope your day was a decent one... and also, hope you enjoyed that mushroom coffee...

Love and light, brother...


Thanks Wes. I only tried the one packet of instant that came with my order. It tasted very nice.
Not sure how I will approach the rest. I normally brew a full pot and drink 2-3 cups per day, finishing on the third day.
I don't know how that mushroom coffee will behave sitting at room temp for several days.
I tried to gift you a bunch of ecency points, but they sent it back.

Morning time is very special when we go for our walk on top of such a beautiful place, it is very relaxing to see these natural things.

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We appreciate your work and your publication has been hand selected by the geography curation team on behalf of the Amazing Nature Community. Keep up the good work!

Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @dsc-r2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community.

Manually curated by @jasonmunapasee


Nice picture and the view is so beautiful I am very happy to see it

I will be making a post about my Vegetable Garden modifications soon, I am too old to be doing this kind of work, but it keeps me from moping about
Yesterday I put in new walls to double the size of what I've had for 3 yrs.
Last year, I almost did nothing in the garden and it didn't yeild much for me to eat and share.
Here is the last image I took yesterday
I still have to till, clear out roots of the tree I just removed a month or so back

It had very invasive roots and tended to shade the garden too much, so now it will be a new adventure
So I went from this in 2021

Then expanded in 2022

Hello @jerrysuseer
You have been losing all curation rewards by upvoting comments from the accounts



as we remove all the rewards from these upvotes.

The account belongs to a well-known scammer (identity thief, plagiarist, spammer, etc).

Thank you for the information.
Please tell me how on earth would I know that these are accounts that are dishonest?
Shall I simply stop upvoting on comments? ALL Comments?

Please advise


Accounts "biyimi" & "precab" belong to one person although he claims that it is a "friend".

"yellow74" may be a different user but received the same list of accounts to follow and comment from "biyimi".

I am sure that you have noticed that most of the comments on your posts have been coming from the same group of accounts.
They exclusively comment on accounts that guarantee upvotes, not just your account. They have a list of dozens of accounts that they comment on daily while ignoring the rest of the other Hiveians.

Biyimi keeps sharing this list with others, so more similar accounts may pop up in the future attempting to farm your votes.


I have noticed that biyimi comments as if what he is saying is so profound.
Precab I found to comment more normally.
djbravo has made me suspicious, perhaps you could look into that account?
I can't say that I've encountered yellow74, but then I don't remember EVERY upvote.

Again I thank you for this information




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Thank you!!

Wes & Grindan

It is really necessary at times to take some quality work around and stroll

Some would call it a frivolous use of one's time and energy
Personally, I rather enjoy communing with nature.

 2 months ago Reveal Comment