No golf, loads of rain and a family walk

in Amazing Nature5 months ago

Sunday Walk


I woke up to unfortunate news this morning. An email went out at 7:20am saying that the chief green keeper had checked the course and due to heavy rain overnight the course was closed yet again.


That's two weekends in a row now. I look forward to my golf outings, so to have two weeks in a row cancelled is a shitty buzz!

Walk between showers

We had a nice family walk instead out in the countryside. There were lots of rain showers, so we had to dress for the elements.



We had a nice walk in this forest as well which the boys really enjoyed.



These next few shots will give you an idea of how much rain we've had recently here in Ireland. Yep, we've had lots and lots and LOTS!





So what did you get up to for your Sunday? Anything exciting? We've just landed home and I'm looking forward to putting on a nice open fire and putting my feet up for the evening. We'll watch Ireland's fittest family together later which is always fun.

The images used throughout are all my own captured on my Samsung Smartphone

Thanks as always for stopping by everyone.

Peace Out

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You'll have to move down south babe. Me and Blanchy are out catchin' the rays down here in the sunshine county.

I might just have to do that! I love Galway but by God does it rain a lot here! ☔

How frustrating, dear friend @ablaze, to wait anxiously for the weekend and when it arrives this happens, I regret that the opening of the golf course has been canceled for two weeks in a row. The good thing about the situation is that you have taken the opportunity to tour the forest in the company of your family. .
I take this opportunity to wish you a happy start to the week.