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RE: Some Healthy Habits to kick start your new year

in Reflectionslast year

How cute is that donkey!

I have seen lots of donkeys in Ireland over the years, but that little guy was definitely the cutest!

It is amazing that you are doing so many things that will affect your health positively.

Thanks man, ya pretty happy with it so far, and I am also doing dry January, so no alcohol until Feb 1st. It's a good way to kick start the year and will try to retain some of the habits for longer, especially those cold showers, which I find beneficial from a mental health perspective also.

I have also wondered about intermittent fasting, but never tried. Also, perhaps the reason snacking with the meal is better, is because it gets mixed with volume with the rest and most ends up leaving the body. Snacking between means the stomach is empty and will absorb more?

It's worth giving a try, very good for your bowel, intestines etc to get a rest every now and then. Good point around the snacking getting mixed with food volume and thus not being as bad. I usually do two or three days of it during the week when I am doing it and then do what I want again at the weekend.