Is Voice eyeing to takeover Steemit?

in HODL4 years ago (edited)

Friends, today I don't have anything to say. I'm just writing to hear from you.

It's been several days now that I heard this rumour of considering buying Steemit from Justin Sun. I don't know what rumour-mills start such rumours. I'm trying hard to remember where I first heard of it. Today, I searched a lot online but couldn't find anything about it.

All I see is that 22 days back Steemit a/c initiated power down for all its about 28M STEEM. Half of which has been moved to Binance. Within next 6 days this power down will get over. But I don't see any word on it, for what lies next! Steem a/c @hkdev404 started powering down even before @steemit and has moved all its 4M STEEM to Binance by last week.

STEEM's trade volume did increase on Binance during previous days but surprisingly, we didn't see any huge dump that everyone was expecting due to unloading of this large stake.

It doesn't seem likely that this rumour was spread to pump STEEM prices; as it wasn't widely circulated. In fact, people kept guessing about the probable reasons for the power down and some even tried to justify the need for funds to take Steem to next level. But nothing sounded any convincing to me.

Personally, I had nothing to do with whatever comes of it. But curiosity creates a sort of unrest, at times. Initially I thought, it will get revealed in few days. But even after a month, I don't know anything about it.

May be, I missed some official or unofficial updates on it. So I thought to ask all my friends here. I believe some of you must be knowing some details about it and won't mind to share it with me. Please educate me on this of whatever you know or your thoughts on it.


It’s going to zero..Once confidence is lost it’s difficult to regain.

Posted Using LeoFinance

That is very true. We are seeing the trust of the entire ecosystem there destroyed very quickly.

And when it comes to Steem, Dan doesnt endear trust either after leaving.

Posted Using LeoFinance

Never understood this decision from to build... a social media platform... so underwhelming, we really don't need another Steemit or Facebook of TikTok on a blockchain, very puzzling to me

I havent heard this rumor but that means little. As for its merit, I just dont see it. What will buying Steemit do for Voice? I am not sure especially if the company is drained of all its tokens.

I would figure that if Voice needed something, Larimer could just program it. As for community, I am not sure they would just over to Voice.

But we will see if anything comes of it. The Sun and Steemit rumor was out there a while before it actually became announced.

Posted Using LeoFinance

I havent heard this rumor but that means little. As for its merit, I just dont see it. What will buying Steemit do for Voice? I am not sure especially if the company is drained of all its tokens.

I would figure that if Voice needed something, Larimer could just program it. As for community, I am not sure they would just over to Voice.

But we will see if anything comes of it. The Sun and Steemit rumor was out there a while before it actually became announced.

Posted Using LeoFinance