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RE: Have SUSHI's Chef Nomi Exit Scammed SushiSwap?

in HODL4 years ago

Hi @xyzashu that is what is called Having your cake oops Sushi and Eating it too
Yesterday when I had checked the price I said oh my god what is this about. Now I know the reason.
This raises the old question how centralized control or monopoly can be so bad for the project.
Did you get an opportunity to exit it in time?


Well, I chose not to exit. I'm a hodler, you know! LOL!
I had staked some of my SUSHI for FARM. So I'd need to unstake at both places and then redeem my liquidity tokens ...too much of GAS for me.

And seeing a rush for dumping, I thought my speed of doing all these transactions won't be able to beat the crowd So I calculated that if liquidity drops, my harvesting will grow sooner and may be, I'd be better off if something worked out as Chef Nomi was still active.

Let's see what works out of it. Fingers crossed!

@xyzashu good luck bro I hope you are in the money soon
(Mool Dhan bhi Pavo aur byaj bhi ghar lavo)

Ha ha ha!