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RE: Morning Surprise - Got Over $1000 Airdrop! 🙂

in HODL4 years ago

I also got them and tried to swap a part of it to ETH. Sadly, the transaction didn't go through and I lost those gas fees. Then I tried to send a part of my UNI to Binance and it also didn't go through.

Now I'm just waiting for the fees to drop.

Posted Using LeoFinance


Deposit some eth, withdraw and sell it fast. Uni will dump hard in future. It's my personal opinion

Tried it but the transaction got stuck and now I can't even see it on Etherscan. :(

Always make sure that you're provisioning sufficient gas fee for the transaction. You may take some help from

Paying a little higher gas cost is better than losing funds to a failed transaction.

Gas fees are very high at this time. I suggest you to hold at least 50$ plus eth and put standard even more gas fees for fast transaction. You can check gas fees here: