Have you heard about Veews?

in Reveriolast year

Veews is the new content discovery tool from the owners of @ctptalk, @hivepay, @clicktrackprofit - @jongolson and @blainjones
It is currently in beta phase

You only need a Hive account to access the website.
Login using your hive username and then select the few key words you are interested in and then you will see content related to the selected keys

As mentioned, its still in beta phase, so limited functionality.
But that should not stop you to access it.


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I have! Veews make it fun and simple to discover interesting new content and authors that I wouldn't have found otherwise

Yes, and I enjoy using it. I stumble upon new content creators that I never met before.

Yes, I have! It is an awesome way to discover content that you want to see but might not run across automatically. There are so many communities on Hive and it would take forever to sift through what is there to find what you're interested in. Veews solves that problem.

I have tested it and I find it very useful to expose content that is related to your interests. I would like to see it integrated in front-ends in order for them to show us posts more close to what we would like.

Veews.io is an awesome site that allows me to see content I want, and not have to filter through content that I am not interested in.
This is going to change the way we find content on Hive.

yep, this is definitely a game changer since Hive completely lacked this form of content discovery!