Beautiful Friday Decorated With Butterflies And Flowers

in Ecency2 years ago

hello Hivers friends.... praise be to God we have entered Friday again, may we all always be given health and abundance in living this life. Amen.

I want to share the beauty of the photos of flowers decorated by butterflies. Some time ago I got photos of these flowers when I went to pick up my son who was staying at his grandmother's house.

Original photo by me


Original photo by me


Original photo by me


Original photo by me


Original photo by me


Original photo by me


Original photo by me


Original photo by me

Butterflies and flowers

I saw quite a lot of butterflies of various kinds perched on the flowers. It was early morning, maybe the butterfly was eating from the pollen of the flowers.

That's all I can share for this beautiful Friday. Thanks for stopping and reading my blog.


hello teman-teman Hivers.... puji syukur kita sudah masuk hari Jum'at lagi, semoga kita semua selalu di berikan kesehatan dan keberlimpahan dalam menjalani hidup ini. Aamiin.

Saya ingin berbagi keindahan dari foto-foto bunga yang di hiasi oleh kupu-kupu. Beberapa waktu yang lalu saya dapatkan foto-foto bunga ini saat saya pergi menjemput putra saya yang sedang menginap di rumah neneknya.

Saya melihat cukup banyak kupu-kupu berbagai jenis yang hinggap di bunga-bunga tersebut. Hari itu masih pagi hari, mungkin kupu-kupu tersebut sedang makan dari serbuk sari bunga-bunga itu.

Itu saja yang bisa saya bagikan untuk hari Jum'at yang indah ini. Terima kasih sudah berhenti dan membaca blog saya.

ModelInfinix S3
Original Picture@parung76
ThemeButterflies and flowers

Thank You

Best Regard,
