What is Your Hole In The Bucket? EcoTrain Question of The Week!

in ecoTrain4 years ago

When I was young, I did not know that I had speech problem until I was a teenager when many of my classmates made fun of me.

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I actually discovered later in life that my tongue was shorter than most people.

A few of them would imitate the way I talked and laughed over it.

It was definitely a terrible experience since I was humiliated in front of the whole class.


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I made an effort to improve my spoken language.

Back then, my parents were not aware of the need for speech therapy for me.

I bought a cheap microphone that was able to connect to my home radio channel for me to listen and correct my own pronunciation when I spoke into it.

I did lots of tongue exercises daily to enable my tongue to be more flexible.

I listened to the newscasters and tried to imitate them.

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It took me about half a year to overcome my speech disability.

I was not able to know the future but I eventually took up teaching as a career in my adulthood.

If I had left my speech problem alone, I would not have cleared the interview during my application for the teaching job.

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As a teacher, I do see students with learning difficulties and my story became a success story for them.

If they do not give up, they can choose to overcome their learning difficulties.

Everyone of us has our weaknesses but our weaknesses can become our greatest strength when we overcome them.

We simply need to take off our own handcuff to make the change.

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Just imagine that I had to use my spoken words to conduct lessons daily in school.

I have already been teaching for almost twenty years and I should have taught more than a thousand students by now.

I am also given the opportunities to conduct workshops for teachers from other schools.

I would never be able to do what I do today if I simply accepted that the hole was supposed to be there in the bucket and there was nothing we could do to fix it.

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I hope you enjoy reading my personal story that is an entry to the [EcoTrain Question of The Week](EcoTrain Question of The Week).


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Sorry to read that you were bullied because of the speech problem, but I'm really glad to read that you were determined to overcome the problem and even became a teacher :) such an inspiring story.

I was thinking about the question this week and still have no idea if I have an actual answer. Maybe it's something that I never considered to be a hole in the bucket ;)

Thank you for sharing yours!

Thank you very much for reading and giving me your encouragement.

You're welcome!

Speech impairment is devastating and hits so hard at our basic human need to connect. Just imagining you in your room, patiently practicing, melts my heart. You should write more about the specific ways people can help improve their own speech.

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beautiful! i love this story... your hole in the bucket helped you and so many others.. full respect to you for pushing through that challenge and rising above the teasing and hard times.. amazing!

Thank you for joining us on this QOTW~! You post has been featured in our tie up post.


Thank you for the feature.

What a wonderfully inspiring story to be able to share with others and show how it can be overcome.

I'm so happy you took those steps to over come you speech problem and that it serves as a sucess story to your students!And by rising up to the challenge it seems you have had a very fulfilling life!
Thanks for sharing your story!