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RE: Be ready for the 11th edition of the Hive Power Up Month!

in Hive Power2 years ago

I'm interested to join the challenge but I want to be clear on something

Does the daily 100% powered up post have to be about my powering up participation?

Or just any post but with a 100% power up payout?

And secondly, I can't find the badge of the current power up month in this screenshot format you shared or is it because I didn't participate in it?


Does the daily 100% powered up post have to be about my powering up participation?

No any post, just set it to 100% powerup.

You can see your progress on a certain month here, just check the power up tab ->

To get the badge for next month you will need to power up every day of the month.

Hope this helps. 😃

Oh yeah, it helps a lot
Thanks for the response
Will try to keep up with the powering up challenge, it will be fun and so rewarding for me 😊

👍 You are welcome!