Comments vs Posts: Where do you earn your LEO?

in dPoll4 years ago

Comments vs Posts: Where do you earn your LEO?

It's been a trend I've started to notice. I've had some comments get 150X better rewards than a post made on the same day. I'm not kidding at all.

I'm not complaining here!

It's just so wired. This video I found from PIERRE XO actually sheds some light with his experience with TikTok. Him showing his card skills was one of the least performing clips and a video of his dry hands and complaining about it got 3X better views. LEO curators are not voting on dumb content at all. I'd say we have some of the best curators on the internet on LEO.

It Could Be My Fault - It Could Be Lack of Algorithmic Shuffles

  • It's just hard to get discovered on blockchain.
  • I don't have many large voters following me. So I have less chance to be on their feeds.
  • I stake all my LEO instead of using them to promote myself.
  • Nothing lasts long on the feed of new posts
  • Good curators are already overwhelmed with reading and replying to comments

Maybe what we need is some page where users can swipe through random content based on some algorithms. I don't want this to be the main part. In fact is already a good step. What if we had another page for "Discover Hidden Gems" that focus on posts with under 10 LEO rewards and use some algorithm to recommend the to users. It'll be interesting IMHO.

It Might Mmake @leofinance Lot More Fun :)

  • I earn mostly from posts

  • I earn mostly from comments

  • I earn almost equally from posts & comments

Answer the question at


Voted for

  • I earn mostly from comments

I'm mostly earning from posts. Truth be told, though, if I would focus on making witty comments on articles with a lot of attention I would probably could earn more than what I get from writing my own articles.

It's what it is with stake based curation - if you have some of the heavy hitters voting your content regularly, you'll earn a lot more than otherwise. It's the price you pay. In return, we have a platform that is actually scalable in rewards - our top authors will soon be able to actually live from what they are doing here. On Publish0x, that will never be possible, even the best of the best don't earn more than 5$-7$ per article.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

  • I earn mostly from comments

Commenting for me is getting more fun everyday and I learned alot from it.

I got to learn about dcity from @wiseagent posts and I am now building my city bit by bit. There are others too I have learned one or two thing from.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I earn mostly from comments

I guess I earn more from posts, some good days, its the comments that is the highlight of my earnings, it varies actually, for me. And I think I like it that way as I like to do both

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Voted for

  • I earn mostly from posts

I have not really looked at it before.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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  • I earn mostly from comments

Voted for

  • I earn mostly from posts

What if we had another page for "Discover Hidden Gems" that focus on posts with under 10 LEO rewards

I love this idea. I'm always on the look out for more personal type posts rather than the mainstream BTC up and down again type stuff. I know it's a finance channel but I enjoy the more individual posts more than stuff I could find easily elsewhere. I would love an easier way to find them.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Voted for

  • I earn mostly from posts

Voted for

  • I earn almost equally from posts & comments

Voted for

  • I earn mostly from posts

I earned more from posts, but I have very little time for internet right now and I am not in the best edition lately, so I don't really pay all that much attention right now, I will maybe see how I performed at the end of a month, but not now.