Is the old saying "seeing is believing" still relevant in the era of false information and the instruments of spreading it?

in dPoll4 years ago

Is the old saying "seeing is believing" still relevant in the era of false information and the instruments of spreading it?

Greetings Steemians!

There is an old saying, "Seeing is believing." It means one need to see the things before believing about their existence.

Image source

In the era of technologies like photoshop, photo editing, deepfake and 24x7 media, we are living a life of illusion and falsehood. We cannot verify veracity of what the media says to us or what information we are getting through other mediums. Fake news, fake information is being bombarded upon us in such a quantum that we have become unable to concentrate on things. Even videos cannot provide us the true picture of the events which we might think genuine.

So, what do you think? Is the old saying "seeing is believing" still relevant in the era of false information and the instruments of spreading it?

  • Yes, it is still relevant.

  • Its relevance have increased in the present time.

  • Nothing seems true in this era.

  • The saying is relevant but, we cannot blindly believe on what we see.

  • It has become irrelevant as we cannot determine truth and lies.

  • Other...

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  • Other...

Voted for

  • The saying is relevant but, we cannot blindly believe on what we see.

Voted for

  • Nothing seems true in this era.

Voted for

  • The saying is relevant but, we cannot blindly believe on what we see.

Nowadays almost anyone can make a talking dog video, and other shits, so you cannot always believe what you see.

Voted for

  • Nothing seems true in this era.

Voted for

  • Yes, it is still relevant.

It is how it works. We like on a fake world with fake news filled with brainwashed people

Voted for

  • Nothing seems true in this era.

Voted for

  • Nothing seems true in this era.

Voted for

  • Other...

I also believe in things I can't see

Voted for

  • Nothing seems true in this era.

Voted for

  • Yes, it is still relevant.