Do you think that there is a correlation between the deaths caused by corona and the medical facilities within a country?

in dPoll4 years ago

Do you think that there is a correlation between the deaths caused by corona and the medical facilities within a country?

Greetings friends!

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I think the counties where we have seen deaths of most of the people were those where medical facilities were world class. For example in the USA, Italy, Spain, France etc. saw the maximum deaths while under developed countries like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh had only a portion of the deaths occurred in the developing counties.

Do you think that there is a correlation between the deaths caused by corona and the medical facilities within a country?

  1. I think so. Perhaps the people of the developed countries have low immunity.
  2. I think the medical staff was just experimenting in those countries as there was no cure of the corona. So, the experimenting killed more people than the virus.
  3. I don't think so.
  4. Medical facilities have saved more lives than we might have think.
  5. Other.

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There are shocking reports saying that residents in developed countries are being experimented upon - falsifying results of COVID-19 test results, and giving unnecessary aggressive treatments that only cause severe reactions on the patient body and even rapid death. I truly hope all of this evil stops right away.

It seems to me too. They prescribed high doses of antibiotics, hydroxychloroquine, medicines used in the treatment of AIDS etc. which resulted in many deaths. Otherwise, Corona virus is not so dangerous as it is being depicted.

Thank you for your opinion. I believe that many countries are deliberately falsifying (increasing or decreasing) the COVID-19 statistics to manipulate their people's feelings about the disease.

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I think countries that have poorer healthcare systems are more negatively impacted by covid.

Poor countries have bad healthcare system so not many people could reach to hospitals and thus they were saved. On the contrary to it, in the developed countries doctors prescribed high doses of antibiotics, hydroxychloroquine, medicines used in the treatment of AIDS etc. which resulted in many deaths. Otherwise, Corona virus is not so dangerous as it is being depicted.

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Also I would like to point out that the countries you mentioned as underdeveloped are actually DEVELOPING NATIONS. I hope you make the necessary changes.

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I think the whole COVID-19 situation has been a huge mess because of the stupidity of the humans than the lethality of the virus:

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