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RE: Tell us about yourself - [Mission]

in The CTP Swarm3 years ago

Howdy from Texas (that's in the United States for all you foreigners)! 😁 I am 58 years young and live in a suburb of Dallas. Yes, sometimes wear a cowboy hat and boots. No, I don't own any horses or cattle. I currently work for an Audio/Visual company, but my hours have been drastically reduced due to Covid. Now, instead of live events/conventions in high end hotels, we stream events connecting presenters in their homes to attendees in theirs.

With all of my spare time, I have gotten fully entrenched in the HIVE/crypto lifestyle on multiple fronts (I also have a entrepreneurial account and another that I am using to build a family history business). With this one, I play blockchain games and post/comment/curation about them. As I see it, I am building my retirement through my online activities.

As far as things I am good at, I have a degree in Video Production and have become decent in working with Photoshop, Premier, and, to a lesser extent, After Effects. In addition, I have been an avid photographer and videographer for decades. Also, I own several musical instruments (I play some better than others) and people also like to hear me sing. I was in the IT field for over 35 years, so you could say I know my way around computers pretty well.

As far as things I like, when I am not working, I spend a lot of time with my family, both immediate and extended. My family history business is something that I am building from my own experiences in genealogy and capturing family stories (which I started collecting more than forty years ago). I also am a dedicated follower of Jesus Christ and have been involved in several ministries including my current participation in the media ministry at my church. Games is my other passion (which is why I created this account in the first place).

Sorry for getting so long winded. This is probably more than you had in mind. Enough about me. I'll turn this over to the next person.


@moonthumb Outstanding! The King realizes the importance of learning from history. He believes one of the best ways to really learn history is by studying one's own family (Genealogy) History comes alive when you see it through another family member!

Not only do we learn from our family, but the stories are so interesting. Plus, if you can record (audio or video) your family member actually telling the stories, it brings back special memories when they are no longer around to share them.

@moonthumb Well said and amen, expect miracles.

If I didn't see this comment, I wouldn't connect the dots... Nice to meet you again, Garrey :)
!LUV 1

Yep, it's me Zoltan. No telling what you'll learn from these posts.

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Hey @ph1102, you were just shared some LUV. See the LUV tokens in your wallet at or learn about LUV at

Hey @moonthumb, you were just shared some LUV. See the LUV tokens in your wallet at or learn about LUV at

Thanks a lot for this amazing comment and sharing about your life! I kind of connected the dots about this account. I like the thumbnail... it's kind of bad ass ;-). Greetings to Texas!


That's my alter ego (at least I feel that way at times).
!LUV 1

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Hey @achim03, you were just shared some LUV. See the LUV tokens in your wallet at or learn about LUV at

Thank you for your engagement on this post, you have recieved ENGAGE tokens.

2 credits + 3 bonus credits added

Thank you very much.

Awesome another producer!

I just said it but I have to say it again! So much potential :) playing around, in AE is fun

I have been messing around with moving text recently. It's amazing everything what you can do in AE.

Try the saber plugin with the text! Its free to download and use on
You can apply the effect to textlayers and do some really crazy shit :)
I minted this as an NFT on NFTshowroom it is layer masks with saber :)


Cool...I'll have to check that out.