Covid19 - Life in a bubble.

in The CTP Swarm3 years ago

Hello and welcome to all the readers.

Since covid19 has struck us in 2020, life has totally changed.

Few countries had early strict lockdowns and were successful to some extent. Many took it very lightly and suffered the consequences losing their dear ones. Many were unlucky, even though they took precautions.

Covid19 has been ruthless. It doesn't care if you are rich, poor or a dictator.

Vaccines may not be perfect, but have helped in fighting covid19. Many have survived as they were vaccinated.
Some may not agree, that's ok.
Sadly, few suffered from the side-effects of the vaccines.

Life has indeed become a bubble. May be within the country, locality, family or professional teams.
Restricted within a group of individuals.

Sports is one example where team bubbles are formed, which contain the players, coach and support staff. Confined to one part of the hotel/Arena.
Constantly tested for Covid19 every one or two days.

The worst part is joining the bubble. As you have to stay isolated for a week or two in your hotel room. That is mentally really stressful.

There is also a constant threat of someone getting infected leading to everyone been quarantined.

Its stressful and has psychological effect on all the individuals within the bubble.

But life goes on.

It's 2021, the threat is still not gone as the virus is still evolving and variants of covid19 are visible.

Lockdowns, bubbles will remain a norm for sometime, till everyone has been vaccinated.

Just to point out, that vaccines will also have to evolve to fight better and cater to long term effects.

Some of the countries are still vulnerable and need support from developed countries to fight it. Countries dependent on tourism as their only source of income will also need some monetary support to overcome the threat.

But, humanity will survive. We are resilient and will eventually find a solution.

thank you for reading my post.

Have a nice sunday.

Farhad Kias

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Thanks for your post @imfarhad - It is true we now live in a world full of bubbles, and not necessarily the bubbles of childhood.
Here in Aus, even though our numbers are nowhere near those of other countries, we are now being hit by the delta Variant, a number of states have gone into ,lockdown and stay at home orders, I now live in a regional area but even the regions are asked to be very diligent and stay at home.
Aus got off lightly in 2020, not being quite so fortunate in 2021.
COVID is here to stay and it is how we manage our lives around it that are important.
As in many places, it is no longer about how many get it, it is about how many are hospitalised.
Vaccines have certainly brought that number down.
When I see high testing rates I see high numbers of people that have COVID, that's just common sense, however testing is important because it gives us a real number of infections and some great statistics to work with.
Stay safe and well and than goodness we have Technology to being and keep community alive

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