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RE: Tell us about yourself - [Mission]

in The CTP Swarm3 years ago

Hello everyone :)
I'm from Portugal, born in Lisbon, and currently living on the Pearl of the Atlantic, Madeira Islands!
I have a degree in Radiology but wasn't lucky in getting a job in the area so I found my true passion later on in Spa Therapy! Unfortunately like many of us due to Covid I lost my job but the very few good things that I can take from it is I got more time for Hive and created my first online business called CTP Blueprint to help others who want to start in online business as well or embrace the Affiliate Marketing adventure. I am also part of the Affilliatech Team - owners of CTP, CTPTalk, and other programs - working on the customer service section.
I'm a Mom of a 3-year lil monkey and one of my favorite hobbies that we both share besides watching cartoons is puzzles! Waiting for him to be old enough to build a 1000 piece puzzle with me!

IMG_20200918_182406 (1).jpg

I love online games like Guild Wars and Stardew Valley, though been giving more attention to Hive Games!
Music is always around me and not too picky with the genre, as long as it has either rhythm to dance or relaxing to have in the background while I'm working.
Podcasts are also my thing right now especially during my long walks in the morning so I can learn things on the go!
Taking a course in Photoshop at the moment to see if I can turn the childhood passion for drawing into reality!
And I think that's a lot to read already so I'll stop for now!
Nice to meet you all :)


2 credits + 3 bonus credits added

Nice to meet you, Eliana... :)

Waiting for him to be old enough to build a 1000 piece puzzle with me!

I have no idea what adults see in puzzles :) :P My wife and my sister like them so much... I'm more into Monopoly-kind games :P

Monkey is growing!

Greetings from Spain for both!

hehe I also like other board games like Monopoly but need to wait a bit longer for David for those :p

But he is growing so fast that will be before I was expecting lol

Nice to meet you too :)

Let's do some more Discord giveaways. That was fun! Nice to meet you too.

Thanks a lot for this amazing comment Eliana! I didn't know you liked puzzles. In summer when we visit the family of my wife in the aegean sea, they have a big terrace with sea view. Every evening we make 1000 or 2000 pieces puzzles there and talk until we don't see enough to differentiate the colors ;-)


hehe it was a thing my Dad pass along but since I moved to the island I never got into it until I found out that David likes them too so I might get him into it more as he grows so we can do bigger puzzles together!
I miss playing board games! I played a lot when I was younger especially Monopoly. I had a friend from across my street that had one and every afternoon after school I would go to her house and play with her until my Mom would scream from the window to get back home lol

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