Market Report - Click Track Profit

in The CTP Swarm3 years ago

Hello everyone,


There is nothing like waking up in the morning and checking your Click Track Profit account and finding a new referral. It never gets old. I know I don't push and/or talk about CTP directly much and more. Kinda just trying to do it in a round about way. And my footer seems to be working. Getting referrals coming in now and then. It is always exciting.

@jongolson gave a nice Index token update. Along with a Hivepay demo area so people can see how it works.

All great stuff :)

Market Report:



CTP Token graphs from last year and this year:



What an amazing difference.


Bitcoin: $36,521 USD

Hive: 0.1342 USD


I am still waiting/hoping for someone to step forward to guide me with distribubot. I know there are a lot of great people out their in the community and should be able to help or get the world out that I am looking for help. This is the first goal I want to get done in 2021. HELP. ;)


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Have a great day all.
