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RE: No Longer a Vegetarian!

in Homesteading2 years ago

Congrats! I think you're making a wise decision.
I was vegetarian and even vegan for several years. I was always a thin person, but eating that way had me feeling underweight and some other things just began to feel off after doing it for a long time. It never felt natural to avoid so much. When I first went back to meat it was actually raw and I never felt better than during those 6 months. Raw eggs are great too. I eat cooked foods now, but I wish I could get back to raw.

If you're open to learning some things that few are willing to accept, I highly recommend older videos from Most people hate him, but the dude has provided me with a lot. Another thing that changed my life is

Good luck with your changes!


I tell people I've never felt better and some thing I'm crazy lol but my body and everything actully feels amazing after just a few days of eating meat again. I'll check out those videos and site I'm always willing to learn and hear all sides and then base my own choices off what I learn. I think that's one of the coolest and most powerful things we can all do.

I felt orgasmic when I first started eating meat again… No exaggeration either.