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RE: What I'm Doing To Be Prepared

in Homesteading2 years ago

100% agree with you, stocking up is not hording. Pushing inline and taking all the food left before someone else can buy it is rude. but making sure you have food, that you will eat is totally fine. Here in Australia we had people pushing over people to get toilet paper... I made a bee line to getting seeds and fertilizer and medications... lol... There are plenty of worse things to be without other than toilet paper...

I'm trying to find some better storage methods for my bulk food stores at the moment. Its a tricky business.

Can't wait to see your garden as you grow it up.



Lots of options and ways to do it but it takes time to learn them and some trial and error. I just did a video on the top 5 food preservation methods I use that I'll be adding here on 3speak soon!

Nice, this is something i have not really looked into. We will get gluts in produce from the garden and i need to learn how to keep them