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RE: TRACK OF THE WEEK! (2020 ROUND 8) - Share your TUNES and WIN the post earnings! (Last weeks winner @eugelys WON 12.854 STEEM)

in The LIFESTYLE LOUNGE4 years ago

I danced ballet to this song on stage once!


Flitting around a stage doing ballet, hope it was gracefully completed. Tempo of the song definitely gets some toe tapping going to the beat.


Looking forward to hearing this hahahaha!!!!

Upps this blew my mind! So Cool!

Pictures! Or it didn't happen.


Where is the garter belt to put it in? Oh, right. Ballet, not striptease

Oh, I'm sure this occurred well before the invention of photography. Or at least modern photography.

I might have a video somewhere on my youtube channel. Maybe. Somewhere. It's a messy channel.

Oh, truth! I forgot how old you are. We should start calling you @old-man-wiebe !! LOL

Eh? What? What was that? You gotta speak up, I can't hear you!

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Oh!! Hahaha! You are so appropriately hilarious @joanstewart!

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