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RE: In a World Filled With Strife, There is STILL Beauty All Around Us!

We don't get any broadcast television stations on our TV set; we live in the middle of nowhere. For the same reason, we don't get many radio stations clearly. So I simply don't hear most of the bad news. My husband chooses to immerse himself in it via the internet, but I don't think it's a healthy way to live. It certainly has done nothing to improve his mood or his outlook on life. I hear just enough from him to get the general idea. There is so much going on in this world that I really can't do anything about, so why focus on it? I choose to focus on what I CAN do something about. That might be babysitting one of my grandkids to help out my daughters, or playing the piano at the nursing home to bring a few minutes of pleasure to the elderly, or taking a meal to a new mother, or delivering Pedialyte to a sick friend. What I can do on a local level to bring relief or happiness to someone is what matters to me. I, too, enjoy finding beauty in nature, and I always try to focus on the Creator who made it that way.