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RE: TRACK OF THE WEEK! (2020 ROUND 8) - Share your TUNES and WIN the post earnings! (Last weeks winner @eugelys WON 12.854 STEEM)

Recent events on Steem, constant change, current weather outside, this song covers it all....

Bob Dylan - Blowing In The Wind (Live On TV, March 1963)


I already know how much I love this song haha! Thanks for the entry @joanstewart! Looking forward to hearing them all when I get my music fix next week Thursday!

Congrats you have received a special mention in this weeks round!

!tip 1

🎁 Hi @joanstewart! You have received 1.0 STEEM tip from @jaynie!

@jaynie wrote lately about: Justin Sun & Our Top 20 - My Thoughts... Feel free to follow @jaynie if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.

Thanks @jaynie still feels like blowing in the wind....