Begging online Fake friends

in Stars2 years ago

kgakakillerg original content

Right so we live in a world where there are countless people begging people for money online everyday

We have people selling themselves online for a small bit of change

We even have people selling their family for a small bit of change

Some people don't have friend's in the real world so take make friends with complete strangers online and as I say to people the people who you meet online will only show you what they want you to see and believe

You really don't know who you are talking to

When it comes to money some people are just to silly to understand that they are being used to promote Bs that no one is interested in it's never going to work

It's crazy to think that people actually think this place is decentralised when it's clearly not all you need to do is look at the trending page daily and you will see the same circle of people trending everyday which is super boring and shows how centralised this place really is

As they say when you give people to much power it goes to their head 😂😂😂😂

They might have power online in one place but other than that they are weak as a baby chicken

I see so many people taking advice from the wrong people 😂😂😂

To everyone who is reading this right now be very very careful what you invest in

Just because you might know someone who says they made money from something that doesn't mean it will work for you to

People need to learn about what they are investing in instead of just listening to people who are trying to get more people to invest in something that they have money

Don't be fooled by word's actions speak louder than words

You wouldn't trust a stranger with your money in real life so why would you do it online

So there's so many curators curating but it seems that most of them are not doing there job right

The curators are only supporting people they have meet online and friends of friends and there is also some vote selling going on

I was around when the bid bots was around and now it seems like it's turning back into the same thing again but it's just gone a bit underground

Ok that's it for now

I'm just letting you all know that I never read my stuff back so if I made any mistakes let me know

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