Elves "treat" us with some extra decorations 💩

in Family & Friends5 months ago (edited)

What's that smell??

Just when you think that you've seen it all, these three come along and shock and surprise you. Yep, you guessed right, Snowy, Jingle and Frosty have been at it again and they simply can't wipe those smiles off their faces!


They fancy themselves as comedians, this lot! They're even writing letters and throwing in pins. At least tree pairs of underpants are missing.... Ya ya very funny... Luckily they were clean underpants!!



Yes you're right, that's a real Christmas tree that we have. We get a real one every year, as for me it's part of the Christmas experience. Picking it out, driving it home, decorating it, the smell of the pine.

And now for more Elf underpants madness. Needless to say, our kids found this absolutely hilarious!!





What will they get up to next? Who knows, who bloody knows.

Are any of ye doing Elf on the shelf?

What are the best Elf on the shelf ideas you've seen?

These photos are all my own

Thanks as always for stopping by everyone.

Peace Out



Looks like the kids must love! Real trees just smell so much better, the artificial one are cheaper but it's not the same experience. I agree with you there!

Ya man, the kids get great mileage out it, and we start running out of ideas!! Ha ha...

Ya, the real tree is the way to go in my opinion.

Enjoy the younger kids while they are young. I sure miss having younger kids around at Christmas, it makes it so much more fun!