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RE: HiveBuzz World Cup Contest - The results, the winners and the prizes

in Word Cup 2023last year

I am going to try this one last time. I still don't see myself with the Spain vs Costa Rica badge in which I voted Spain correctly. Can this be checked? Or even if I am not eligible, can I have a reason please?


And sorry but I will just tag @hivebuzz for attention

Yes, we did check your bet for that match. You made two bets (upvotes):

  • on 2022-11-22 19:37:24 with 1%
  • on 2022-11-22 23:08:27 with 100%
    This invalidates your bet for that match hence why you did not receive your badge.

Ah I see, no problem with me screwing up myself. I am just glad to know why.

Sorry about it.
Merry Christmas to you and your family 🎅