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RE: To Hybrid or not to Hybrid, that is the question

Hey buddy! I am totally the wrong person to ask here, as I am one of those rare idiots that still try to play golf with blades, so I am rocking this 2 iron butter knife in the bag at the moment (I hope the photograph uploads haha.)

In any case, me being me, I obviously checked your wedge selection first, how’s the short game been going? You have the perfect wedge combination going there. Jealous of you!

Uhm utility clubs these days have been like you said massively improved. I have hit a couple of them and I prefer the 3-2 iron ones. How often do you use it though? And what do you use it for? From the tee, into the wind, and for longer lay ups, i’d personally go for the distance iron or utility club, just because I prefer them. I feel more confident with them.

So ask yourself these questions. Hybrid I personally feel is very limited. My dad uses one and it suits his game perfectly. But someone like me would never use it just because I have never really felt comfortable with woods and less so with hybrids.

I hope this helps!

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