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RE: Leave Behind || Memories Which Stings

in Threespeak - OLD4 years ago

Ot that was so easily said as done shrinks and doctors worldwide would not make such a big income.

The soul and mind need time to heal. That cannot be forcedby a word or therapy. Humans do not seem to have time. The soul/mind does not care about that.

Happy day. 💕


Yes, it's not easy but that's the truth and truth is not easy to get. That's why life is called as a Process or Journey. Stay blessed.

@chireerocks Syrange isn't is how hard we find it to deal with the truth even if we say we like to hear it. Be blessed. 💕

Have a blessed time ahead.

@chireerocks Thank yoy, you too. ❤️

Welcome and thank you. 🙂