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RE: Interview with @andrarchy about TRON and OpenLink.

in Threespeak - OLD4 years ago

Fantastic interview!
Thank you both for putting the time to go through this answering key concerns spanning the whole community. Awesome!


Thank you!

Sir good morning from here, I’ve been looking for a way to reach out to you.

I have a pressing need which I believe you can help me solve if you choose to, and I pray you will.

Sir, please I’m a lover of Actifit Fitness Tracker and Actifit activities, but really messed up things recently that I’m blacklisted with Actifit.

First I want apologize for my mistakes and behavior that led me to be blacklisted.

Please sir can you help me so that I’ll become free again. Please sir I pray you don’t ignore my apologies, I’ve been looking for a way to contact you or Actifit team. I’m your Actifit friend @maxdevalue