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RE: Interview with @andrarchy about TRON and OpenLink.

in Threespeak - OLD4 years ago

This definitely helps to ease a lot of the uncertainty that has been going around.

I think the speculation that the community has had regarding these communication gaps has been spot on — clearly there is some kind of marketing machine going on the tron accounts that is putting out information that is a bit contradictory. It seemed that they hadn’t done their research on Steem and Andrews answer lines up perfectly with that — these communications may have been put together by people who don’t technically understand Steem and our community/technology. They also may be using language that doesn’t correctly identify the processes (ie saying token swap when they mean cross chain atomic swap — two very technically different things that have similar names).

It seems that the Steemit team was thrust into this thing the same as the Steem community. Ned’s whim strikes again.

I also see the potential for better Leadership and resources from Justin as compared to Ned’s lack of leadership, resources and general sense of not caring about this community.

With all that’s happened and also with this new information, I continue to take the stance of cautiously optimistic. It sounds like Andrew is also on the side of cautious optimism as well.

This could be a great rallying point for Steem and I’ll keep my eyes peeled for both the potential downfalls and potential opportunities that arise out of this.

P.s. openlink and openseed sound amazing. Hopefully we’ll be able to get our hands on it soon and the Steemleo team can test integrating it into the as a communications channel between buyers and sellers 🦁

Posted via Steemleo


They also may be using language that doesn’t correctly identify the processes (ie saying token swap when they mean cross chain atomic swap — two very technically different things that have similar names).

Indeed. As much as I do not like Justin's style of doing things, having an auxiliary set of tokens representing STEEM on the Tron blockchain yields some benefits. Having a TRC20-Steem token opens the door to Tron's smart contracts, potentially higher liquidity on exchanges and access to Tron's fanbase. More details in my recent post.

There are many things that can be said about Justin, but one thing that we can probably all agree is that he is not stupid. No businessman will buy a company just to see it fail. So far Justin has not made massive changes to his acquisitions (Poloniex and BitTorrent) and I anticipate he will do the same to Steemit. Without doubt, Justin will eventually look for ways to see how Steemit can help boost the Tron ecosystem. But so far this "partnership" seems like a win-win to me, at least in the short to medium term.