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RE: Gratitude That I Found Cryptocurrency

in #gratitude5 years ago

I will admit that I am not one who got rich off cryptocurrency.



Very true. I do agree that it is a yet at this point. No if but when.

It is the reward for being an early adopter in such an explosive industry.

Yeah buddy! I wanted in on btc so bad the moment i heard of it. I lacked the comfidence to do it myself. And, wished, hoped, wanted my hubby at the time to get me some for my bday and xmas gifts. I actually think i begged for it. Silly me! Oh well. Glad to be involved via steem. It's created the confidence i needed, ease of use and a community 2nd to none. Until yet arrived....keep on stackin' ❤

I agree with this.

Posted using Partiko Android

Rats I guess you beat me to it.

I maintain that anyone who plays it safe and believes in the new paradigm will be living in abundance within 5 years, even if they pump a bunch of wealth in at a local peak and watch 90% of it vanish in the first year.

This is what's going to happen to most people.
Most money gets dumped on the market during the FOMO phase.
It's the veterans that will be taking profits and creating hedges during this time.