Hate Speech is Free Speech

in #freespeech3 years ago

Regardless if you like what another person says or you don't, people have a right to say what they want and you do NOT have a right to control what other people can say. Cancel culture is the hottest topic on social media lately as it pertains to this "culture war" we all are witnessing today. Things have been getting hectic and complicated lately.

When exactly is something "too much" for someone to handle? Does it even matter? For me, I don't care if words personally hurt you, although I can understand the stress of being bombarded by idiocy, blame, or just generally complaints from retards, but they still have a right to say it. You can either deal with it, walk away, tell someone who cares, but generally speaking mostly people don't give a shit. That's the sad fact that many social justice warriors don't want to face. People are apathetic, and not its not because they are selfish or self-centered.

Dave Chappelles recent show is a prime example where cancel culture is going too far (luckily Netflix is defending him, surprisingly). A man was speaking his mind about the LGBT community taking the spotlight from minority issues who have had it way worse than the general lgbt cause, and quite frankly Chappelle was correct about their overreactions. People are soft today.

I think free speech is very important even if its hatespeech. In fact, being aware of the people who hate you makes you more capable of making the right moves compared to surrounding yourself with racists who publicly smile in your face, but plan against your interests.

Hate Speech is Free Speech.


My father was a wise man. And I sometimes head into a discussion with him about the right to offend someone. And my dad thinks that's a great right and he's right not to say what you think. why does talking still make sense? As long as you don't steal, lie or cheat, murder or use violence, then insulting is just a human right