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RE: Month of Thanksgiving Challenge (#MOT)

in #ctp4 years ago

I know for me, a good bit of the holiday season tends to go by without me focusing where I need to in order to fully appreciate it. My hope is that this will help me to get into the spirit of the season and enjoy it more. Plus, by documenting (with photos), I can look back and remember these times fondly in the future.


Going to have to be super mindful of gratitude this holiday season, @theroad2freedom. These will be the first holidays without my Mom. It will be different this year. But staying focused on gratitude will help me my my Dad.

Made in Canva


Yeah, Lisa...any time we lose someone who played an important part of our holiday celebrations, there will be a period of adjustment. I was lucky enough to have both set of my grandparents live until after I was married. We always spent the holidays traveling to their houses. After they passed, our holidays became drastically different.

One of the best ways we can honor their memories is to be thankful for the time we had with them and share that with those we love. I pray that you can utilize the opportunity to do that this holiday season and look back fondly on the holidays you were able to share with your mother. It might even be special to sit down with an audio or video recorder and talk about those memories with your dad. You'll be glad you have those later.

Hi Garrey! That's a nice idea! Thank you! I know we are going to have a family video call on Thanksgiving. That would be nice to have everyone share memories of holidays with Mom and Dad.
Have a great night😀

Made in Canva


Made in Canva


Sounds like you have a wonderful opportunity to have a special family time. If you are using Zoom for the video call, I would suggest you record the call so that you can save those special stories. When it comes to family history, there is nothing better than being able to listen to the voices of family members as they share their memories. That is a priceless treasure that can be passed along to other family members for generations to come. Just think how you would feel if you could listen to your grandparent or great grandparent talk about the experiences they had and the people they knew.

That's a really good idea, Garry! Since we will be right there with my Dad we can get him on the zoom call easily enough. And then my sisters can get on there from where they are. Usually we do a family video call in FB messenger because my Dad has that one figured out. He is 89 so the fact that he is doing that stuff at all is pretty amazing. Have a great weekend. 😀

Made in Canva


I hope you have a beautiful family time together and capture some wonderful stories that everyone will enjoy and you can later share with others.

Good Morning, Garry! Thank you! Same to you! I saw an article this morning in my Google news feed that Zoom is lifting the 40 minute time limit for Thanksgiving so that people can hang out with their families longer. That's a very nice thing. Have a great rest of your Sunday! 😀