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RE: What are you still doing here?

in #creativecoin5 years ago

Maybe so… but he got paid! Five grand in the early 1980s was a lot of money for $10 worth of supplies!

Thanks for the deranged token


I remember talking to one of my art teachers about this and it seems there's always someone like this who can sell anything. He said often they don't keep making art. That they go into other fields and make tons of money... it was never about the art in many examples.The thing that's disappointing to me is how many people attack and dismiss all art they don't like or understand as being a scam. I really shouldn't comment about it because it's too big a topic for me to put into words.

Yeah, we all know someone who's more into making money than creating Art for its own sake. There are also buyers who are only investing in artworks for the possible future returns. I've seen people buy something they would never hang in their homes because they thought they could turn a profit off of it.

But, that guy was in it for the Art. He was thoroughly disgusted by the whole episode. He took the money… I mean, he was still a starving art student. But, he had bet money that canvas wouldn't sell.

The art world is a huge business... oh man i don't even know where to with this. :)

The business of the art world has, in my estimation, little to do with the deep need in artists to create Art, with a capital "A."

Whew... yes, that deep need.

If i don't do it i go totally crazy. Depression, anxiety, whatever the latest popular diagnosis is. The making money doesn't even calculate in. And then i end up with a life of poverty and isolation thinking there's something wrong with me. This is too much info... i did have hopes of even a small income from steemit. I unwisely bought steem when it was over $5 dollars. I might break even in 2 or 3 years. It's just relentless the time effort and cost to make art and even photography. Getting little to nothing in return and getting judged by people at the same time. I suppose the safety valve is just saying something "i'm not an artist i'm just having fun and meeting people... Nothing wrong there :)

Dude! You're singing my refrain! But, I could never claim not to be an artist. I'm not just the artist on a few artworks. I am an Artist. It's lifeblood to me. As I always explain it, "Art isn't just something I do. It's who I am."

I never bought any Steem. I've built strictly off the starting account. I've been on Steemit for about two years and it's been slow growing.

The guy who got me here was a very enthusiastic promoter of steemit and steem. I got caught up in his thing for awhile so i finally relented and bought...

Yeah, I've had a handful of enthusiastic steemit members try to get me to buy steem and the many tokens. I am not moved by such tactics. And, ads are wasted on me. I'm a marketer's worst nightmare. LOL