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RE: How To Defend Yourself From A Seated Position

in #combat4 years ago

Some interesting tactics/suggestions here.

Let's hope no one ever has to attempt them though, that they don't get attacked in the first place. However, it happens I guess and at that point there's two sorts of people, prepared or victims. I know which one it's best to be.

I believe another element could be added here, prior to the tactics you suggest...*Situational awareness. Most are oblivious to their surroundings and potential threats. Having better situational awareness could prevent being accosted whilst sitting in the first place I suppose right?

Although...Having said that, most people are too busy with their head buried in their phone so situational awareness and any advantage through self-defence is probably never going to happen. Most have no clue what's going on around them, least of all what may become a threat.


Yes, we hope that no one has to face a situation where he has to fight for self defense. Situational awareness is key to detect what is about to happen. I agree with you. When you see what's going on, you can make your move to defend yourself.

Thank you so much @galenkp for your thought-provoking comment!

You're welcome...I respect those who have a greater awareness of what may happen and how to react to it or mitigate the threat. keep up the good work.