Life Health-Seasonal Health/生活养生——季节养生

in #cn5 years ago

Health preservation is everywhere and exists all the time in the life around us. Everyone should take care of health early so that health preservation can provide a healthy body and a good mood like sunshine for himself.


Health preservation is a process in which people operate in accordance with the laws of nature. We call it "seasonal health preservation". However, today is a very special day. Today is the 24 solar terms.


Summer is the dividing line between summer and autumn. It has officially entered autumn from the beginning of summer. Summer has also come to an end with the last high temperature.


On the day of summer season, it has the title of "Autumn Tiger", which means a very hot day in autumn. On this day, the Mid-Autumn tiger appeared at noon, when the weather was clear and the temperature was very high. But from the beginning of summer, the temperature difference between morning and evening will become obvious. It is usually cool in the morning and evening, and the temperature is moderate in the morning and afternoon.


From the beginning of summer, people should do a lot of things, such as people should add clothes according to the temperature difference between morning and evening to adapt to the contrast brought by seasonal changes. Weak people can add more clothes, good people can add some clothes appropriately.


After entering autumn, we should pay more attention to the diet. Autumn and winter is a time to nourish Yang and nourish yin. We do not recommend that you use some sweet food and some spicy food. This kind of food can easily deplete the body's yang, leading to the imbalance of body's Yin and yang.


In the diet, it is recommended to eat acidic food, acidic food helps to supplement the body's yin, so that the body adapts to seasonal changes. Of course, in terms of diet, it is recommended to eat some vegetables, melons and fruits and other foods, fruits to acid food is better.


There are many aspects to be noticed in seasonal health preservation. Anyway, remember that the health preservation in autumn and winter is a process of nourishing yang and tonifying yin. It would be better for the body to operate in accordance with the natural law.


Live and keep in good health, keep in good health in season.




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