China news roundup / Nachrichten 2021-05-28

in #china3 years ago



China counters Biden's Covid origins lab probe ... by calling for a US lab probe

"What secrets are hidden in the suspicion-shrouded Fort Detrick and the over 200 US bio-labs all over the world?"

--- Because that's obviously where the pandemic started.
(Must be the joke of the day.)


Taiwan must choose between virus and politics

"is the virus more important than politics?"

--- Maybe you should ask China? It is the CCP who is blocking Biontech sales to Taiwan.

"many people in Taiwan do not want Chinese-made vaccines; they worry about their safety and efficacy"

--- Just like the Chinese themselves. & rightly so.


Jail terms for Hong Kong democrats over banned 2019 China National Day demo

"The four received 18 months for inciting people to participate in an unauthorised assembly and 18 months for organising an unlawful assembly"

--- Would be another joke of the day, if it weren't so sad. They get pretty much the same punishment for peacefully protesting as a guy who back then cut up protesters with a cleaver.

"Media tycoon Jimmy Lai was handed 14 months jail for his organising role."

--- Who is already in jail, serving 20 months, & more charges are coming, also for peaceful protests: Hong Kong: Jimmy Lai jailed again for pro-democracy protests


China lashes out at EU-Japan statement as G7 raise pressure on Beijing

"“We remain seriously concerned about the situation in the East and South China Seas and strongly oppose any unilateral attempts to change the status quo and increase tensions,” the leaders said.
But China reacted furiously, insisting that the statement was out of line.
[...] “Such remarks undermine international peace and stability, damage mutual understanding and trust between countries in the region, harm the interests of third parties and run counter to what they claim ‘working for a more secure, democratic and stable world.’”"

--- Funny, that. China - which always touts how it favours multilateralism - throws a tantrum because EU & Japan oppose unilateral actions.


Academics should denounce Xinjiang atrocity denialism, not normalize it

"an initial typology of denialist arguments. With this handy typology, the next time that one encounters such bad-faith interlocutors, one can respond by simply calling out the argument type and then stepping away to engage in more productive activities"

--- I tend to mostly ignore denialists, or like a troll simply make one critical (though fact-based) statement & then forget about it. They are usually not worth any serious engagement.
For some more info about what is going on in Xinjiang: In the Sinister Disneyland of Xinjiang - China's Ongoing Oppression of the Uighurs


Friends reunion: BTS, Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber censored in China

"There were calls to boycott South Korean boy band BTS in China last year over comments a member made about the Korean War
[...] Lady Gaga is banned from touring in China, following her meeting with the Dalai Lama in 2016
[...] Chinese audiences also did not see Justin Bieber [...] after posting a photo of himself visiting the controversial Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo"

--- Well, of course we must keep our poor, innocent Chinese citizen from seeing such barbarian, anti-Chinese artists. Being barbarian alone is enough, actually:

"iQiyi and Tencent both cut out the iconic scene from the sitcom where Monica talks about how Chandler had helped her with a jellyfish sting by peeing on her leg"

--- Bodily functions on TV? Not under my watch, says emperor Xi. The only bodily fluids I want to see are the tears of beautiful women & the blood of slaughtered Japanese monsters.


US sanctions Dalian Ocean over alleged abuses

"CBP said it had evidence of forced labour, withholding of wages, and abusive working and living conditions aboard Dalian's vessels
[...] CBP has in the past issued similar import blocks on specific Chinese fishing boats, but never before on an entire company's fleet."

--- Not sure about forced labour, but the rest is pretty common on Chinese ships. So, a bit surprising that this is the 1st time that a company is sanctioned like that. The order: CBP issues Withhold Release Order on Chinese fishing fleet



Understanding China Is Getting Harder Every Month

What Han Dynasty China’s Financial Relations With Rome Can Teach Us Today (--- Not much, for what I can see.)

US Navy deployment could leave an aircraft carrier-sized gap in Asia's tense waters



--- BBC News: "Why the China Covid lab-leak theory is being taken seriously"


--- China Uncensored: "US Funded China’s Coronavirus Research"


--- BBC: Panorama, Are You Scared Yet, Human Wednesday 26th May 2021

--- CNBC: PEN America CEO Suzanne Nossel calls John Cena's China apology a 'forced confession'

--- HRW: China's Mass Surveillance Phone App



China lehnt neue US-Ermittlung zu Corona ab

"Zhao Lijian warf den USA vor, durch angebliche Verschwörungstheorien und eine Politisierung der Pandemie von den hohen Corona-Todeszahlen im eigenen Land ablenken und China die Schuld an der Pandemie geben zu wollen"

--- Genau. Wie kann man China auch die Schuld in die Schuhe schieben, nur weil es schuld ist? Ein unerhörter Vorgang.

"Es gibt viele Zweifel über Fort Detrick - und die USA haben mehr als 200 biologische Labors in der Welt"

--- Genau! & deswegen ist das Wuhanvirus auch in Wuhan zuerst aufgetaucht. Logischerweise der nächstgelegene Ort bei Fort Detrick.


China testet Gefühlserkennung an uigurischer Minderheit

"Die von der Software untersuchten Personen werden auf einen Stuhl in drei Meter Entfernung der Kamera geschnallt, die Systeme überwachen dann bei Befragungen die Reaktionen im Gesicht und sogar die Poren der Haut. Das System soll als eine Art moderner Lügendetektor eingesetzt werden
[...] Die uigurische Minderheit dient der chinesischen Führung seit Jahren als Versuchskaninchen für den Ausbau des Überwachungsstaates."

--- Na also, damit dürften alle Vorwürfe, China unterdrücke die Uiguren, widerlegt sein. Die Uiguren sind ganz offenbar ein wertvoller Bestandteil der chinesischen Gesellschaft. Ohne sie wäre das mit der KI-Entwicklung wesentlich schwieriger.


Bunker des Friedens

"Diese Bunker sind längst vergessen und mit ihnen die Zeit, von der sie erzählen"

--- Darf bezweifelt werden. Die Bunker stehen ja i.d.R. offen zugänglich in der Gegend rum. & nur, weil die Leute in der Umgebung den genauen Grund für die Errichtung nicht kennen, heißt das noch lange nicht, daß sie auch nichts von der damit verbundenen Geschichte wissen.



--- ARD Markt: China: Kalter Krieg im Containerhafen
