China news roundup / Nachrichten 2020-02-26

in #china3 years ago



Dutch parliament: China's treatment of Uighurs is genocide

"“A genocide on the Uighur minority is occurring in China,” the Dutch motion said, stopping short of directly saying that the Chinese government was responsible"

--- That's a bit nit-picky. Who else could be responsible?
Anyway, good that this news made it into the English speaking press.

"Foreign Minister Stef Blok said the government did not want to use the term genocide, as the situation has not been declared as such by the United Nations or by an international court.
"The situation of the Uighurs is a cause of great concern”, Blok told reporters"

--- Which mirrors the extremely strong EU stance (& is pretty much the same statement as from the German foreign minister). What a powerful voice for human rights the EU is.

"The Chinese Embassy in The Hague said on Thursday any suggestion of a genocide in Xinjiang was an “outright lie” and the Dutch parliament had “deliberately smeared China and grossly interfered in China’s internal affairs.”"

--- We are the CCP, we are China! How dare you criticise us for killing our own people!?


China’s Secret Weapon: Changing the Meaning of “Human Rights”

"the CCP offers more than mafia-like protection in the corridors of the Palais des Nations in Geneva. It offers an ideology, and this is something new"

--- Oh well, I don't know. Attempts to re-define human rights have been there before. & the CCP is very much like the mafia (with a certain fascist interpretation).

"since each country has the right to interpret the words defining human rights as it deems fit, human rights can never be used “to interfere in other countries’ internal affairs.”"

--- Too bad that they are universal human rights. Even worse, the PRC agreed to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights when it joined the UN.


Chinese Hackers Using Firefox Extension to Spy On Tibetan Organizations

"The emails contain a malicious URL, supposedly a link to YouTube, when in fact, it takes users to a fake "Adobe Flash Player Update" landing page where they are prompted to install a Firefox extension that Proofpoint calls "FriarFox.""

--- There are still people who don't know that Flash was discontinued? Well, OK, people outside China, that is. In China, some authorities still use Flash to control subways.

"Once installed, the extension, besides having access to browser tabs and user data for all websites, comes equipped with features to search, read, and delete messages and even forward and send emails from the compromised Gmail account"

--- So, if you are CCP critical, you have to not only care for the overall security of your system, you also have to be very careful with the browser extensions you install.


Japan can shoot at foreign government vessels attempting to land on Senkakus, LDP official says

"Government officials had said earlier Japan's coast guard was only allowed to fire weapons directly at foreign vessels in cases of self-defense and emergency escape.
The officials explained the new interpretation at a meeting of the panel Thursday, saying it is possible for Japan's coast guard to fire against foreign government vessels within the law by regarding vessels aiming to land on the Senkaku Islands as committing violent crimes."

--- It's almost as if these ugly Japanese imperialists would be willing to defend themselves against our enlightened & totally peaceful incursions into their ... er ... our territory. Warmongers!


China Said to be Installing Missile Base Near Border with Vietnam

"China is apparently building a surface-to-air missile base 20 kilometers from its border with Vietnam, as a long-term precaution and near-term warning to neighboring countries"

--- Poorly defensive, obviously. Poor little China must be prepared to counter any aggressive moves by the imperialist Vietnamese regime.


Chinese state media calls Australia a ‘gangster’ as trade war flares

"They have formed a US-centred, racist, and mafia-styled community [...] trying to consolidate their hegemony as all gangsters do
[...] brought together by the US to become the ‘centre of the West’. They have a strong sense of civilisation superiority"

--- Funny, that. If you use China instead of US & East instead of West, that is almost exactly the PRC's behaviour. If China were a person you would call that projection.


How Taiwan beat China to be Asia's top-performing economy

"The island, which was widely praised for its handling of the health crisis, also benefited from demand for its technology during global lockdowns and the subsequent trade rebound"

--- Not much news in there. Just to rub it in.


Conservatives authorized Chinese police-owned company to run visa centre: Blair

"security authorities signed off on an arrangement to allow a company owned by a Chinese police force to run Canada's visa application centre in Beijing"

--- That was in 2008, so before the current wave of distrust, but still: How naive can you be?

"information is handled according to Canada's privacy laws, that no application or biometrically collected data is stored at the centre and that all databases containing personal information are located in Canada"

--- Yeah, because we can trust the CCP & its cops to handle everything according to Canadian laws. They surely will not even try to gain information illegally.



--- China Uncensored features the weekend news variety again:


--- WION: "China cornered on Uighur persecution| France slams 'institutional repression' of Uighurs"


--- Stephen Colbert (The Late Show) found the use of 'Chinese virus' last year oh-so racist. Now he happily uses "the British variant, the South African variant...". Is he just a hypocrite, a racist (by his own definition) or even a wumao?



Niederländisches Parlament verurteilt China wegen Völkermords

"Obwohl die Regierung den Antrag ablehnte, unterstützte eine Mehrheit der Zweiten Kammer am Donnerstagabend eine Entschließung, in der sie feststellte, „dass in China ein Völkermord an der uigurischen Minderheit stattfindet“"

--- Wie wär's, Bundestag?

"Der niederländische Außenminister Stef Blok hatte in der Parlamentsdebatte zu dem Thema nur von „weit verbreiteten Menschenrechtsverletzungen“ gesprochen."

--- Genau wie die Bundesregierung: substanzlos. 'Wir sind besorgt.'
Man will ja die KPCh nicht verärgern. Hilft aber wohl nicht:

"Die chinesische Botschaft in Den Haag wies die Entschließung empört zurück. Es handle sich um ein Wahlkampfmanöver, eine „völlige Missachtung der Fakten“ und eine „grobe Einmischung in die inneren Angelegenheiten Chinas“ [...] Die Abgeordneten sollten „ihr Unrecht beenden, bevor es zu spät ist“. China schütze seine Souveränität mit „Entschlossenheit“."

--- Nach Mafia-Art. Diplomatie auf chinesische Art.


Die Tech-Revolutionäre aus China

"Soll der „Funke des Fortschritts“ auch in Deutschland und der EU überspringen, müsse der Staat in die Rolle des „gemeinnützigen Kapitalisten“ schlüpfen, Innovationsentscheidungen fällen, Grundlagenforschung ankurbeln sowie Anreize und Leitplanken setzen, um Firmen im Land zu halten. Also es ein bisschen so wie China – und die USA – machen."

--- So einen Schrott liest man in letzter Zeit häufiger. 'Wir müssen mehr wie China werden.' Ich wage aber zu bezweifeln, daß 'mehr Staat' die Lösung für tatsächliche oder angebliche Probleme in Europa ist.
Es geht noch schlimmer:


Sozialkreditsystem - „Wir können von China lernen“

"Asiatische Gesellschaften brauchen historisch gewachsen mehr Nachdruck und Kontrolle. [...] China hat in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten eine derart rapide Beschleunigung von allem erlebt, dass viel an sozialem Kitt verloren ging und gesellschaftliche Normen durch die Urbanisierung erschüttert wurden."

--- Schwachsinn. Diesen Scheiß hört man häufiger von 'Chinaliebhabern'. Wie man an Taiwan sieht, kommen auch Chinesen mit einer relativ modernen Demokratie zurecht.
Der Interviewte scheint aber kein einfacher 'Chinaliebhaber' zu sein, sondern hat irgendwelche Verbindungen mit dem Konfuzius-Institut.



Pekings Impfkampagne stockt

Hongkong - Erste Impfungen, große Skepsis



--- Plusminus: Elektroautos aus China: Chancen auf dem deutschen Markt?

