China news roundup / Nachrichten 2020-08-26

in #china4 years ago

English news:

Yuen Long attack: Hong Kong police accused of 're-writing history'

"One lawmaker who was hurt in the clash has now been held on "riot" charges"

--- Well, the HK administration lets go of any pretence. A victim of a thug (probably triads) attack is accused of being a perpetrator. Ridiculous.

"A violent attack on pro-democracy protesters and some passers-by on 21 July, at a train station in Yuen Long in north-west Hong Kong, was captured by victims and bystanders on mobile phones
[...] The footage, which went viral on social media, showed groups of men dressed in white shirts and suspected to be triad gangsters beating passengers with rods"

--- Anyone who has seen the footage knows who were the perps & who the victims, only the HK cops see it differently:

"The incident was not an "indiscriminate attack" but the result of clashes between two "evenly matched" rival groups"

--- Of course totally unrelated to any possible connections of HK cops (& administration) to the triads.
cf.: Hong Kong pro-democracy lawmakers arrested over 2019 Yuen Long protests

U.S. slams HSBC over treatment of Hong Kong customers, says China 'bullying' UK

"HSBC has frozen Lai’s personal and private business accounts, as well as the personal and credit card accounts of senior executive Mark Simon
[...] The bank is still taking loan and credit card payments from the accounts"

--- Totally normal banking behaviour. (Sadly, this is not irony.) But HSBC has already made clear that it supports the CCP, anyway.

English-Language News App Censored Tibet, Dalai Lama References

"News Republic, a news aggregating program founded in France but owned by China’s TikTok social media company, had partnered with news organizations like the BBG, USA Today, and the Guardian and Telegraph newspapers"

--- Totally irrelevant news media, obviously.

"“News Republic filtered tens of thousands of news stories every day,” removing any mention of Tibet, the Dalai Lama, or “freedom of the press,”"

--- No, that's a lie! TikTok owner Bytedance has already told us they would never ever censor material outside China. & we all know that you can trust Chinese companies 100%.

Trump's WeChat ban could prevent US companies from doing business in China

"the international version of WeChat is separate from the Chinese app, which is also known as Weixin"

--- Nonsense. Tried to install the 'international' version once when I lived in Thailand. When I denied installation with complete access to my data, installation stopped & I only got a lengthy Chinese notification. International my arse...

"orders placed in China often use global IT systems that pass through the United States"

--- Yawn. Strawman.

"Zhang, for example, uses the app to stay in touch with her sister and her sister's children, who all live in the United States, and her mother, who lives in mainland China, where popular Western social media platforms such as Facebook (FB) and WhatsApp have long been banned."

--- So, have you thought about suing the Chinese government before, for blocking Facebook & WhatsApp?
& since we are talking about malware:

China's Tecno sold thousands of smartphones with malware in Africa

"Tecno Mobile said the problem "was an old and solved mobile security issue globally" for which it issued a fix in March 2018. [...] Transsion blamed an "unidentified vendor in the supply chain process"

--- Totally unrelated to us. We are so innocent. You wouldn't believe how innocent we are.

China’s Checkmate: The Technology Weapon You Didn’t See Coming

"The BSN is China’s national initiative to integrate adoption of blockchain technology across government, big business and emerging markets
[...] Think of the BSN as the new internet - a more efficient way to share data, value and digital assets in a completely transparent and secure way"

--- Completely transparent, ie. completely controlled by the CCP.

"45% of all blockchain projects coming from China"

--- Who's calculating?

"BSN democratizes access to blockchain capabilities"

--- But of course. Because the PRC is really great at democratisation.
There were a few alright China-related articles in Forbes recently. But, just when you think, they are finally in a more rational reporting mood, they go fully naive again.

China says US U-2 spy plane disrupted its military exercises

"The Chinese are using the traditional view of U-2s as overhead imagery platforms to present a picture of dangerous penetration of a closed exercise air space"

--- You looked at us! You looked at us while we were doing something we don't want you to see! This is outrageous!

--- Other news:

Drink or Get Slapped! The Choices Facing New Recruits in China

China to import $300 billion of chips for third straight year: industry group

China's crash diet begs the question: is it facing a food crisis? (Bangkok Post, beware of autostart videos!)

Vietnam Weighs World Court Arbitration Against China if Maritime Diplomacy Fails

China puts hundreds of uninhabited islands up for rent

Video News:

--- China Uncensored: "Hong Kong’s Rich Corrupt Elite Are Screwed"

--- Sky News (AUS): "We're all 'asleep at the wheel' being seduced by China"

--- CNA Insider: "Will A New Cold War Emerge Between US And China?"

Deutsche Nachrichten:

Oppositionelle Abgeordnete festgenommen

"Zwei führende Oppositionelle sind in Hongkong im Zusammenhang mit prodemokratischen Protesten festgenommen worden"

--- Waren nicht die einzigen. Einigen anderen ist es genauso ergangen.

"werde ihm Behinderung der Justiz sowie Teilnahme am "Aufruhr" am 21. Juli 2019 an der U-Bahnstation Yuen Long vorgeworfen
[...] Dabei waren allerdings prodemokratische Kräfte und selbst unbeteiligte Passanten von rund 100 weiß gekleideten Schlägern mit Eisenstangen attackiert worden. Hui machte an der U-Bahnstation gerade eine Live-Übertragung und erlitt Verletzungen, die mit 18 Stichen genäht werden mussten"

--- Live-Übertragung von pro-demokratischen Aktivitäten? Natürlich ist das ein Aufruhr. Was sonst?

Der diskrete Charme der Technokratie

"Ob die nach außen dargestellte Erfolgsgeschichte die Realität wiedergibt, darauf steht für Ahlers die Antwort noch aus."

--- Für mich auch. Einerseits ist chinesischen Zahlen nicht zu trauen, andererseits wird Kaiser Xi schon dafür sorgen, daß positive Entwicklungen der letzten Jahrzehnte wieder rückgängig gemacht werden.

"Der Maßstab für Sozialwissenschaftler ist das staatsdienliche Verhalten, bei Naturwissenschaftlern ist es die wissenschaftliche Qualität."

--- Seit der Machtübernahme Xis müssen sich auch Naturwissenschaftler wieder stärker Staatszielen unterordnen.

"So gelang China der Sprung zum Weltmarktführer bei den Publikationen. Im Gegenzug häuften sich Fälschung und Korruption."

--- Tja, das ist China. Sieht bei Patenten ähnlich aus.

US-Spionageflugzeug soll in chinesische Flugverbotszone eingedrungen sein

"eine Feuerwehrübung [sic!] des Militärs abgehalten wurde"

--- Lektoren gibt's beim Spiegel anscheinend auch nicht mehr.

"Der Flug in die Zone im Norden Chinas sei eine "offensichtliche Provokation""

--- Wird wohl kaum im Norden Chinas gewesen sein, wohl eher weit draußen über dem Meer.

Ein Teller weniger

"In den Hochgeschwindigkeitszügen werden inzwischen kleinere Portionen ausgegeben, zum selben Preis allerdings."

--- Der Titel sollte wohl eher "Eine Speise weniger" lauten.

"Selbst beim „leeren Teller“, schrieb ziemlich unverblümt die Parteizeitung „Renmin Ribao“, gehe es letztlich um die Staatssicherheit"

--- Tja, was in China so alles zur Staatsicherheit gehört. Demnächst muß jede Frau beim Orgasmus "Kaiser Xi!" stöhnen.


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