China news roundup / Nachrichten 2020-08-25

in #china4 years ago (edited)

English news:

China Locks Down Xinjiang to Fight Covid-19, Angering Residents

"In recent weeks, residents in at least 9 jurisdictions, covering a population of more than 10 million, have made reference to being under lockdown"

--- The racist commies in Beijing probably don't care much, because they think it mostly hurts those barbarian Muslims. But now, the Han in Xinjiang also feel the pain. Heard that quite a lot of them think about returning to their home towns outside Xinjiang.

"“We are a pure land,” he said. “Ordinary people are all very happy.”"

--- Shiny happy people, everywhere in Xinjiang, because the CCP under emperor Xi's benevolent guidance can do no wrong.

"In one popular video, a fruit seller stands in a field smashing watermelons. “Our big watermelons at the foot of Huoyan Mountain are ripe, but we are not happy. Although it is a bumper harvest, there is no way to be happy.” The video has since vanished."

--- Ugly Western lies. Such a video could never have existed in the first place, because - as we all know - there are only shiny happy people in Xinjiang.
cf.: Xinjiang residents handcuffed to their homes in Covid lockdown

China Can Capture Taiwan In Three Days, Say Former U.S. Officials

"When contemplating a scenario like this, it’s important to remember that the authors are being more polemical than predictive. The scenario is crafted to make a specific point"

--- Yep. Nobody really knows what would happen. & all of these scenarios do not take into account possible Chinese incompetence.

Tech war chronicles: How a Silicon Valley chip pioneer landed in China

"MIPS changed hands multiple times before ending up inside Wave Computing, a company that counts Canyon Bridge and China’s Alibaba Investments Limited as minority investors"

--- & that was part of one of the more straightforward deals, I suppose. Could be a lot more complicated in the modern business world.

Trump or Biden, which candidate does China want in the White House?

"experts say the reality is far more complex, and China's leadership remains decidedly split on which candidate would better align with the country's long-term strategic aims"

--- A lot of words for stating the obvious. There are pros & cons for both candidates. Hence even one person could come to different conclusions, depending on which variables he or she looks at.

China keen to work with ‘US states, local councils, businesses’ despite Washington’s hostility, Xi Jinping says

"For all countries, regions and businesses that are willing to work with us, including American states, local councils and businesses, we must undertake cooperation proactively."

--- Divide et impera. (& there are some governors in the US who are stupid enough to fall for this crap.)

"His comments showed that Beijing is pinning its hopes on local governments and the business community in the US to avoid, or at least delay, a full-fledged confrontation"

--- Or simply to weaken the internal political coherence of the US, so that a Chinese victory becomes more probable.
Meanwhile, a phone call without any particular result makes some investors happy: U.S., China reaffirm commitment to Phase 1 trade deal in phone call

Australia kills sale of a dairy business to China as trade tensions rise

"The source told the newspaper that the decision was made due to "diplomatic issues.""

--- Well, it would be quite stupid at the moment to give China direct access to resources, be they food or minerals.
Speaking of resources:

'It's terrifying': can anyone stop China's vast armada of fishing boats?

"China[...']s embassy in Ecuador declared a “zero tolerance” policy towards illegal fishing, and this week it announced it was tightening the rules for its enormous flotilla with a series of new regulations."

--- Hooray! China promises improvement. Now everything will be good.

"The ODI found the fleet had 16,966 vessels [...]
In 2017, as part of its 13th fisheries five-year plan, China announced plans to cap the size of the fleet to 3,000 vessels by 2020."

--- If only we could trust Chinese promises.

Textbook used in Victorian schools repeats Chinese government propaganda

"the Melbourne-based authors said they had written to suit the course design of the Victorian senior school subject Chinese language, culture and society"

--- Nothing wrong with that, right?

"the publisher, Cengage, maintains the inclusion of the map in the Senior Chinese Course: Chinese Language, Culture and Society textbook was “an editorial oversight”"

--- Oh, I see. Totally innocent mistake. Could have happened to anyone. It's not like the nine-dash line stands out when you look at a map.

"Xu also said that he and Ha did not intend the book “to constitute any propaganda for [the] Chinese Communist party at all” and that they “never intended to take a political stance”"

--- Good to know. It would be quite bad if the authors were pro-Chinese & used the text book to spread commie propaganda.

"The textbook [...] says the Chinese people believe the country can develop “only when the nation is united and led by a strong government” and China views the way forward as “democracy under a socialist system with Chinese characteristics”."

--- Oops.

A Tale of Two Pollsters: How China's Copycat Muddies The Waters in Hong Kong

"the organization cited has conducted at least three opinion polls on the national security law in the space of a month, all of which show that respondents overwhelmingly support the development.
But a paper trail clearly connects it to the ruling Chinese Communist Party's representatives in Hong Kong."

--- If the public doesn't agree with us, we simply organise our own polls which show the opposite. Then our media propagate our own polls & everything is fine. (Because there are enough idiots out there who believe commie propaganda.)

Video News:

--- China Unscripted: "Communist Infiltration of American Universities | Doris Liu and China's Confucius Institute"

Deutsche Nachrichten:

"In diesem Jahr habe ich erst 24 Euro verdient"

"Arbeitsmarktforscher der Economist Intelligence Unit taxieren Chinas wahre Arbeitslosigkeit für das zweite Quartal auf 18 Prozent."

--- 3 Wanderarbeiter werden vorgestellt. Halte eigentlich nicht viel von solchen Einzelschicksalen als Artikel, aber in diesem Fall kann man sie doch als beispielhaft für die allgemeine Lage der Wanderarbeiter sehen.

Droht in China eine Tech-Blase?

"Börsengänge sollen weniger bürokratisch ablaufen"

--- Bei der in China üblichen kreativen Buchführung natürlich überhaupt kein Risiko.

"Im Schnitt werden derzeit die mehr als 800 an der Chinext gelisteten Unternehmen zum 60-Fachen der Einnahmen gehandelt. Zum Vergleich: An der Nasdaq liegt der Wert bei etwa 38."

--- Tja, chinesische sind noch stärker Spekulationsware als im Westen. Durch geringere Auflagen für Listung & Handel wird das bestimmt nur besser.

Chinas Minderheiten wagen den Spagat zwischen Tradition und Moderne

"Die hügelige Landschaft wirkt wie eine Märchenstube. Die Vegetation spriesst üppig. Die Luftqualität ist hervorragend. Immer wieder ist Vogelgezwitscher zu hören. Der Trubel der lauten und überfüllten chinesischen Metropolen ist im Biasha-Miao-Dorf weit weg"

--- Tja, & sobald man in China einen gewissen Ruf als Touristenziel hat, gibt es stattdessen Touristentrubel. & dann ist da kein großer Unterschied mehr zu den chinesischen Metropolen.

"Wir kehren mit zwei täglichen Shows langsam wieder zur Normalität zurück"

--- War bestimmt auch traditionell so, daß jeden Tag 2mal Shows aufgeführt wurden.