China news roundup / Nachrichten 2020-08-12

in #china4 years ago

English news:

Hong Kong's independent press faces dark chapter in China's shadow

"Over the past two decades, Hong Kong has seen its media freedoms steadily deteriorate as the Chinese government has co-opted media owners and advertisers while business people with strong ties in the mainland have taken major stakes in local media."

--- That's what the commies have tried with some degree of success, but obviously it wasn't good enough. Therefore they now use the national security law to suppress independent media.

"Daisy Li, editor-in-chief of the online media CitizenNew, said she expected authorities to now harass or try to close a number of smaller online news websites"

--- The cops already separate the smaller independent media from the bigger, more established ones (which will be easier to control). Only a matter of time until a system will be introduced under which all press not accredited will be illegal.

Related: Interview: Hong Kong’s police force behavior poses new challenges to press freedom

Agnes Chow: Hong Kong activist hailed as the 'real Mulan'

"A live-action remake of the film was to be released this year, the titular role played by Chinese-American actress Liu Yifei.
[...] Ms Liu shared a Weibo post from the government-run Beijing newspaper People's Daily that read, in Chinese: "I also support Hong Kong police. You can beat me up now.""

--- & she was not the only actor in that movie supporting CCP policies. So, very understandable that HK freedom supporters want a boycott of the movie.

"In 2018, Ms Chow tried to run in local elections - she gave up her British citizenship to do so and deferred her university finals. But her nomination was rejected because officials said she supported "self-determination" for Hong Kong."

--- Very determined girl. Too bad, that resistance is (most probably) futile.
BTW, she's quite popular in Japan: Japanese come out in support of arrested Hong Kong activist
cf.: Agnes Chow: the Hong Kong activist who gave up UK citizenship to fight for democracy

'Officers told lie after lie in assault case'

"magistrate Stanley Ho said he could not accept witness statements from the two officers involved, calling them unreasonable, illogical and self-contradictory"

--- At least justice in HK is still partially independent. You could almost have some hope, but sadly, this also is just for the time being. In the not too distant future there will be the same 99% conviction rates as in China.

China Banks Act to Comply With Trump Sanctions on Hong Kong

"Major lenders with operations in the U.S. including Bank of China Ltd., China Construction Bank Corp., and China Merchants Bank Co. have turned cautious on opening new accounts for the 11 sanctioned officials"

--- Interesting. I would have expected them simply to hide related activities. Must be really afraid of US authorities.

Luxury Homes Tie Chinese Communist Elite to Hong Kong’s Fate

"relatives of three of the top four members of China’s Communist Party have in recent years bought luxury homes in Hong Kong worth more than $51 million combined"

--- Impossible. The CCP bigwhigs are humble, simple Chinese who reject riches & live humble, simple lives, just like their relatives. They would never ever abuse their status & position to enrich themselves & their families.

Hong Kong: It’s China, Stupid

"These are all terrible developments. Journalists and activists arrested. Their family members arrested. Snide assurances of compliance with legal niceties by the police. Regime toadies and mouthpieces voicing support. Textbook authoritarianism."

--- Well put.

"What’s happening in Hong Kong is just one manifestation of a much larger China problem, at the root of which is the CCP desire to reshape the world, not quite in its image and likeness, but into a place that goes along with its designs—or else."

--- But the appeasers tell us that China has no such designs. The CCP just wants to do business. Right?

Romantic Cartier ad featuring two men stirs censorship debate in China

"The ad features couples in romantic settings and groups of people in cars and at beach bonfires wearing the signature tri-color bands. It ends with the message, "How far would you go for love?"
[...] "Father and son are also friends — happily sharing life's journey.""

--- The critics misinterpret the facts. The CCP not only endorses homosexuality, but also homosexual incest. Very progressive.

--- Other news:

Jimmy Lai: Arrested Hong Kong tycoon tells protesters to be 'careful'

Hero's welcome for Hong Kong media tycoon Jimmy Lai after release on bail

Trump is assembling a coalition of the willing against China

Chinese Science Fiction’s Disaster Dystopias

Video News:

--- China Uncensored: "Mass Arrests Have Chilling Effect in Hong Kong"

--- & other HK-related video:

Hong Kong Sanctions Could Threaten Banks

Hong Kong opposition activist Agnes Chow and Apple Daily founder Jimmy Lai released on bail

Jimmy Lai & the Fight For Freedom in Hong Kong

--- CNBC: "Here's how essential WeChat is to everyday life in China"

--- Valerie Hansen: "Valerie Hansen Walks You Through the Qingming Scroll" (not news, but interesting)

Deutsche Nachrichten:

Nächstes Virus grassiert in China: Bereits sieben Tote - Schwerwiegender Verdacht zu Übertragung

"Sieben Menschen seien bislang gestorben, 67 sollen infiziert sein
[...] Was allerdings neu ist, ist die Annahme, dass die Erreger der Gattung Banyangvirus auch von Mensch-zu-Mensch übertragen werden können."

--- Könnte unangenehm werden. Allerdings sind in China ständig irgendwelche "neuen" Krankheiten in Umlauf. Bei den meisten passiert nicht wirklich viel. Wenn sie wirklich gefährlich sind, wird die KPCh uns natürlich in totaler Offenheit rechtzeitig warnen. Ganz bestimmt.

& das war's auch schon mit den deutschen Nachrichten. Bezahlnachrichten werden nicht verlinkt.