China news roundup / Nachrichten 2020-08-07

in #china4 years ago

English news:

Trump bans US transactions with Chinese-owned TikTok and WeChat

"Executive orders issued late on Thursday would prohibit “any transaction by any person, or with respect to any property, subject to the jurisdiction of the United States,” with the companies, beginning in 45 days."

--- Except for the CCP & affiliated nationalists, probably no one in China actually cared about what happened to TikTok. WeChat on the other hand is a big deal. I don't know anyone in China (& only one Chinese abroad) who doesn't use it.

"While most Western messaging apps are banned in China, users in the US use WeChat to conduct business transactions, advertise or communicate with friends and family in China"

--- 'Users in the US' mostly includes Chinese or ABC's. Very few others actually use this crap ... er ... app. Anyway, this will really hurt Tencent, the owner of Wechat. They had big plans for international expansion.

"On Thursday Twitter began labelling some media accounts as affiliated with the Chinese and Russian governments for “additional context”"

--- Long overdue.

Tencent just became Trump's new target in the tech war with China

"A WeChat ban would be a blow to the Chinese diaspora, students and others in the United States who rely on the app to communicate with family, friends and business partners in China."

--- Meh. There are various other channels of communication, like email. If you need to talk, you can just call, if necessary via VoIP (as I usually do).

""The United States is using national security as an excuse and using state power to oppress non-American businesses," ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin"

--- Something the CCP is very familiar with, of course.

"Given that WeChat has become a critical part of everyday life and commerce in China, such a move would likely also be cataclysmic for Apple's business in China — without Weixin available on the iPhone, for example, sales would likely plummet"

--- My pity for Apple knows no bounds.
cf.: What is WeChat and why does Trump want to ban it?

TikTok threatens legal action against Trump US ban

"Friends in America and their loved ones in China were in an absolute panic.
They are thousands of miles apart but asking the same question: How are we supposed to keep in touch after WeChat is banned in the US?"

--- I can certainly understand that Chinese who grew up with Wechat being everywhere get that stupid impression. But, really, is it so hard to call someone on the phone? To use email? To use VoIP? Or, for the Chinese among us: use QQ?

"this move will cut off virtually all people-to-people communication between the world's two most influential countries."

--- Unlike the average Chinese, a BBC journalist should know that this is nonsense. Makes you wonder what kind of morons they employ.
Speaking of BBC morons: Is the US about to split the internet?

Hong Kong: US imposes sanctions on chief executive Carrie Lam

"The 11 sanctioned officials will have all property in the US seized and financial assets frozen."

--- Might hurt some of them, will definitely hurt if assets of family members are included.

"Ms Lam has previously scoffed at the suggestion of sanctions, saying last month: "I do not have any assets in the United States nor do I long for moving to the United States.""

--- Maybe. But at least one child of her is living (studying?) in the US, IIRC.
cf.: US sanctions Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam, police chief and 9 other top officials for ‘undermining autonomy’

Hong Kong: Joshua Wong among 24 charged over Tiananmen vigil

"Hong Kong has long been the only place on Chinese soil where a commemoration of the crackdown is allowed."

--- Was allowed. Most probably.

China sentences another Canadian to death on drugs charges

"A court notice in the province of Guangdong said Ye Jianhui was sentenced on Friday, a day after another court sentenced Xu Weihong"

--- Well, OK, yesterday I said it was not necessarily his Canadian passport because for the CCP everyone with Chinese ancestors is Chinese. But this is a bit too much of a coincidence.

US beats China in coronavirus funding to WHO, despite threats to withdraw

"58 countries and entities had donated US$724 million as of June 30. China was in tenth place with a contribution of US$25 million, behind Kuwait, Japan and the US – which gave US$34 million to put it at number eight"

--- Just in case you will see another article praising China for its contributions, while at the same time condemning the US.

"Beijing pledged US$50 million to the WHO’s pandemic response in April, but only half of that has so far been received"

--- The pledge is what counts. Obviously.

O'Sullivan: 'imploding' western society should take lessons from China

"the world No.6 slammed Trump’s ‘brutal’ mode of governance and says the whole western world can follow China’s lead in progressing as a society"

--- Coming back to the topic of morons ...
So, Trump is brutal, but China's demographic & cultural genocide of Uighurs is progress? Tibet? Human rights activists?

"he remains disillusioned with British culture away from the table and lamented Britain’s ‘nanny state’ that requires a 'stiff hand' to get back on track"

--- Oh, I see, he likes dictators. Moron (who also doesn't really seem to know what nanny state stands for).

--- Other news:

China seals off village after bubonic plague death in Inner Mongolia

If America and China Go to War, It Won’t Be an Accident

China risks paying 'high cost' for South China Sea intimidation, Japan defense chief says

Tensions Mount over China's Industrial Espionage in US

Motorway bridge built around Chinese woman's house after she refused to move

Video News:

--- China Uncensored shows the usual weekend variety:

--- CNN: "Trump signs order banning TikTok and WeChat in 45 days"

--- Bloomberg: "China Wants Pay Cuts in Finance"

--- Stratfor: Essential Geopolitics: Hong Kong 2021 Elections (audio only)

Not in the news (yet):

Black squares now against rules & regulations in China

Deutsche Nachrichten:

Trump bannt Chinas Lebensader

"„Meiner Mutter schreibe ich jeden Tag Hunderte Nachrichten auf Wechat“, berichtet Tang im Gespräch mit der F.A.Z. Ihrem Vater schickt sie „ein paar Nachrichten weniger“, ebenso ihrem Bruder."

--- Wenn man nix anderes zu tun hat ...

"In 45 Tagen soll das Gesetz greifen. Danach ist es amerikanischen Unternehmen untersagt, mit Wechat oder dessen Eigentümer, dem Technologiekonzern Tencent aus dem südchinesischen Shenzhen, „Geschäfte“ zu machen."

--- Wenn das wirklich für Tencent als Ganzes gilt, dann ist das gewaltig. Denn dann ist nicht nur Wechat betroffen, was im Westen kaum jemanden betreffen würde, sondern z.B. auch diverse Computerspiele wie PUBG.

Auf dem Weg in den IT-Krieg

"Ein Wechat-Bann ist falsch. Washingtons aggressives Vorpreschen führt dazu, dass eine differenzierte Betrachtung in anderen Fällen verblasst."

--- Quark. Mich wundert eher, daß diese Spyware in Europa überhaupt erlaubt ist, wo doch die Datenschutzbestimmungen angeblich so harsch sind.
vgl.: Zwischen China und den USA droht ein App-Konflikt

Merkel plant EU-Videogipfel mit Chinas Präsident Xi

"Um ihrem Ziel näher zu kommen, während der deutschen EU-Ratspräsidentschaft eine einheitliche China-Politik der EU-Mitgliedstaaten voran zu treiben, möchte Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) Mitte September eine Videokonferenz mit Chinas Präsident Xi Jinping abhalten."

--- Klingt als wenn Kaiser Xi dabei helfen soll, eine einheitliche Linie in der EU zu finden. Das Ergebnis wäre dann wohl ein kollektiver Kotau.

US-Sanktionen gegen Regierungschefin Lam

"Lam und zehn weiteren ranghohen Offiziellen wird außerdem vorgeworfen, die Autonomie der früheren britischen Kronkolonie zu "untergraben". Mögliches Vermögen von ihnen in den USA wird deswegen eingefroren, US-Finanztransaktionen mit ihnen werden untersagt."

--- Das kann weh tun, v.a. wenn auch die Vermögen von Familienmitgliedern betroffen sind.

Uigure schickt heimlich Nachrichten und ein Video aus der Haft

"Kinder im Alter von 13 Jahren aufgefordert werden, „Buße zu tun und sich zu ergeben“"

--- Denn es gibt nur einen Gott. & Du sollst keinen Gott verehren neben Kaiser Xi, dem einzigen & wahren.

--- Desweiteren:

Weltwirtschaftswundern über China

Der Jangtse kommt an seine Grenze

Kanadier wegen Drogenvergehen in Guangzhou zum Tode verurteilt

Amerikanische Diplomaten weisen Vorwürfe Chinas zurück

Twitter markiert staatsnahe Accounts


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