China news roundup / Nachrichten 2020-08-04

in #china4 years ago

English news:

TikTok row: China hits out at US 'smash and grab' as tech dispute deepens

"China would not accept the “theft” of one of its technology companies, “and it has plenty of ways to respond if the administration carries out its planned smash and grab”"

--- Funny how that goes. When China forced foreign firms into joint ventures & made them give up their IP, that was totally OK.

"Lee said China set out clear rules for tech companies to comply with if they wanted to do business in the country"

--- Well, only one clear rule: Do whatever the CCP tells you!

China state media accuses US of trying to steal TikTok

""China does not actually ban American websites or software — it only requires them to 'be Chinese' as they operate in China," wrote Hu Xijin, the editor in chief of the Global Times"

--- 'Be Chinese' is a tough ask for websites which are not actually aimed at a Chinese public.
Anyway, 'be Chinese' just means 'submit to any CCP demands', & if you don't submit, you're blocked.

TikTok founder defends potential Microsoft sale

"On social media, Zhang Yiming, founder of TikTok's Chinese parent company ByteDance, has also been described as a "traitor""

--- All Chinese companies follow rules & regulations in foreign markets, they say. This guy is following the rules in the US & now he's a traitor?

Voting with Their Feet: Children of High-Level CCP Officials Choose to Live Abroad

"at least five of the nine members of the last Politburo Standing Committee have children or grandchildren who studied in the United States"

--- Of course not because the Chinese education system sucks, but only to gain knowledge about the enemy.

"more than a third of rich Chinese “are currently considering” emigrating to another country"

--- Shocking! How is that possible? China is heaven on Earth, full of shiny, happy people. Right?

"They don't love the power, they love America"

--- Shocking! Truly shocking! Are they communists? Every true communist loves power over everything.

Being a Chinese student in the US: ‘Neither the US nor China wants us’

"America wants to kick us out, while China doesn't allow us to return"

--- Seems to confuse governments with people...

"I am patriotic in a rational way, not as a result of brainwashing"

--- Yeah, patriotism is very rational. Always has been. Always will be. Nothing to do with feelings at all.

"she penned an online petition, protesting against her university hosting a panel with Hong Kong democracy activists"

--- Oh, the rationality...

WHO says China team interviewed Wuhan scientists over virus origins

"The fact that that fire alarm was triggered (in Wuhan) doesn’t necessarily mean that that is where the disease crossed from animals to human"

--- Sounds like a CCP lapdog who is kowtowing to the official Chinese narrative.

Nuclear weapons: arms-control efforts need China

"China should join arms-control talks with the United States and Russia, even if these are open-ended
[...] Non-nuclear states must participate in arms-control discussions."

--- Lots of 'should' in this article. But China is not interested in arms-control (well, it is, but only for others).

Critical test of academic freedom for Australian universities

"UNSW briefly removed the article from its website twice, and then reinstated it, shifting it from the university's main news page to the UNSW Law page. UNSW also deleted the tweet"

--- Chinese students bring Chinese money, so we have to make Chinese students happy. (Well, at least the pro-CCP faction.)
cf.: 'The fear is real': Chinese students in Australia dread reprisal from Beijing

Video News:

--- DW News: "China: Crackdown on Buddhism"

--- BBC Newsnight: "Hong Kong: What next for the city’s activists?"

--- WION: "Gravitas: China claims half of Tajikistan's land"

Deutsche Nachrichten:

China an Trump: „Pures Mobbing“ und „Diebstahl“

"Nähere Angaben, wie solch eine Zahlung aussehen könnte, machten weder das Weiße Haus noch das Finanzministerium"

--- Weil das ja auch Quatsch ist. Gibt keinerlei Grundlage für sowas. War wieder mal nur leeres Trumpelgelaber.

"Das chinesische Außenministerium warf den Vereinigten Staaten am Dienstag vor, gegen Grundsätze der Marktwirtschaft und die Regeln der Welthandelsorganisation (WTO) zu verstoßen."

--- Damit kennt man sich in China ja aus.
vgl.: "Wie bei der Mafia": Trump fordert finanzielle Beteiligung an TikTok-Übernahme

Keine Angst vor Corona – China feiert „Oktoberfest“

"Bis zum 23. August wollen die Organisatoren wie in jedem Jahr Hunderttausende Besucher auf das Gelände in der ostchinesischen Provinz Shandong locken"

--- "China feiert" & Hunderttausende kommen. Aus einer Bevölkerung von 1,4 mrd. Na, egal, auch ein paar hunderttausend Besucher sind genug für einen netten Wuhanvirus-Ausbruch.