China news roundup / Nachrichten 2020-08-03

in #china4 years ago

English news:

Trump gives Microsoft 45 days to clinch TikTok deal

"could further inflame U.S.-China relations"

--- How so? Don't really see how setting a deadline of 45 days would escalate anything.

"Microsoft said it would take over TikTok’s operations in the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand"

--- What about the rest of the world? Is interaction between international TikTok & this version possible? & how would that be regulated?

"A key issue in the negotiations will be separating TikTok’s technology from ByteDance’s infrastructure and access"

--- Yep. Tricky business, particularly considering that the source code seems to be quite ugly:
Guy Who Reverse-Engineered TikTok Reveals The Scary Things He Learned, Advises People To Stay Away From It
Related: TikTok ponders HQ in London after Donald Trump’s hostility

Beyond TikTok: Who else might President Trump ban?

"WeChat is [...] perhaps best thought of as being a kind of secondary operating system that sits on top of iOS or Android."

--- & grabs all possible data on the phone. The biggest legal spyware there is.

"Mr Pompeo has also suggested that software which collects facial recognition patterns are a concern"

--- Who in their right mind would use a Chinese app with facial recognition?

Zoom to halt direct sales of products to users in China and switch to partner-only model

"We are now shifting to a partner-only model with Zoom technology embedded in partner offerings, which will provide you better local support"

--- Plausible deniability. Whenever there will be a problem with user data given to China or pro-CCP censorship, they can blame it on their Chinese partners.

China sends Covid-19 testing team to Hong Kong, prompting surveillance fears

"Seven Chinese health officials have arrived in Hong Kong, the first members of a 60-person team that will carry out widespread Covid-19 testing"

--- Hong Kong is supposedly unable to organise such a team on their own? How incompetent is the Lam administration?

"The territory’s government denied the claims, saying virus testing would only be conducted in the city and samples would not be transported to the mainland"

--- What about the data? You don't need to send the samples themselves.
Related: Books pulled from library shelves, songs’s the new normal in Hong Kong

US small business bailout money flowed to Chinese-owned companies, analysis shows

"Among the companies highlighted in the report were [... 2 ...] owned by Aviation Industry Corp. of China, a state-owned conglomerate that the Department of Defense classified this year as a Chinese military company."

--- Looks a bit counter-productive if your policy is to go after companies & research with relations to the Chinese military.

This wave of anti-China feeling masks the west's own Covid-19 failures

"It was Chinese scientists who first described the human threat of this new disease on 24 January. It was Chinese scientists who first documented person-to-person transmission. It was Chinese scientists who first sequenced the genome of the virus."

--- Bravo, Guardian! Bravo, Mr. Lancet editor! A great piece of pro-CCP propaganda. Emperor Xi approves!
Chinese scientists were first in all these because they had exclusive access for some 2 months.

"Instead of joining the chorus of criticism against Beijing, one should perhaps try to put oneself in the position of Chinese policymakers."

--- Yes! Let me be a commie emperor. What I always dreamed of.

"The “century of humiliation”"

--- ... is a cheap excuse, used by Beijing for pretty much any international accusations against. Primarily for domestic consumption, though.

"A pandemic is a moment for conciliation, respect, and honesty between friends"

--- Too bad that China obviously is not a friend. Anyway, where is the Chinese respect & honesty?

China corn video stokes public food security fears amid coronavirus, flooding and drought

"a local unit moved to ban all photo-taking devices from its granaries
[...] Frequent use of mobile phones may cause a lack of concentration, which could result in a safety hazard."

--- Shoot the messenger. There can't be a problem, if no one can see the problem.

"After preliminary verification, the quantity and quality problems of the batch of corn reflected in the video are basically inconsistent with the facts"

--- & to make sure that the facts are openly visible to all, we banned taking pictures.
Facts with Chinese characteristics.

Panda conservation 'not helping wolves, leopards'

"leopard, snow leopard, wolf and dhole – also known as the Asian wild dog – have almost disappeared from the majority of giant panda protected habitats"

--- They are not important. The panda is cute & brings in the money.

--- Other news:

China’s economic future depends on closing its wealth gap otherwise new domestic strategy won’t work

A private survey showed China’s manufacturing activity expanded at the fastest pace in nearly a decade

As Mountain Standoff With India Continues, China Stages Bombers And Cruise Missiles (Forbes again. Beware of reloads!)

Video News:

--- China Uncensored: "Chinese Troops Mass on Disputed Border with India"

--- ABC News (AUS): "China the 'catalyst' for closer India-Australia ties"

--- CNA Insider: "The Impact Of Hong Kong's New Security Law"

--- Looks awfully familiar. Either partially or wholly recycled.

Deutsche Nachrichten:

Tiktok muss Amerika-Geschäft bis 15. September verkaufen – oder schließen

"Trump machte deutlich, dass er erwarte, dass das amerikanische Finanzministerium von einem Deal profitieren müsse."

--- Womit der Idiot Kritikern wieder mal Munition liefert. Denn das klingt doch sehr stark nach simplem Protektionismus.

"Microsoft wird garantieren, dass alle Daten der amerikanischen Nutzer von Tiktok in den USA bleiben werden"

--- Na, das wird ein gewaltiges Stück Arbeit, wenn man den Aussagen eines Hackers über den Quellcode glauben kann.
Eine weitere Frage ist, ob & wie MS-TikTok mit dem internationalen TikTok vernetzt wird.

Mit dem Verbot TikToks würde das Misstrauen nicht enden

"Eine Analyse, die zeigt, ob TikTok systematisch mehr oder weniger Daten sammelt als andere Tech-Firmen, ist ZEIT ONLINE nicht bekannt."

--- Dann sollte man sich mal den Bericht des o.g. Hackers ansehen.

"diese Woche versprach die Firma, Transparenzcenter in den USA einzurichten und sogar einige ihrer Algorithmen Behörden zugänglich zu machen – das wäre mehr Transparenz als bei den meisten amerikanischen Tech-Giganten"

--- Der gleiche Schwachsinn wie bei Huawei. Transparenz auf chinesische Art. Man zeigt natürlich nur, was gut für einen ist.

Die Sicherheit unserer Bürger steht auf dem Spiel

"Denn es gibt kein einziges Land in Europa, das es dauerhaft vermag, seine Interessen und Werte gegenüber China ganz allein zu behaupten."

--- Quark. Es ist zwar einfacher, wenn man mit anderen zusammenarbeitet, aber auch alleine muß man den chinesischen Kommis nicht in den Arsch kriechen. Siehe Somaliland.

"Zur Lage in Hongkong hat die EU kein Blatt vor den Mund genommen."

--- Hmm. Das Auge dieses Betrachters sieht das etwas anders.